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20 Example sentences using the word swollen


					20 Example sentences using the word swollen Perbesar

What does the word swollen mean?

Swollen is the past participle from swell, In the noun form, The definition of swell is a full or gently rounded shape or form, a gradual increase in sound, amount, or intensity.

In verb form, the definition of swell is (especially of a part of the body) becoming larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid.

The following are 20 example sentences using the word swollen. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. A 1-year-old girl’s swollen eye leads to a cancer diagnosis days before Christmas.
  2. David Beckham shocks fan with ‘Swollen Face’ during TV appearance leading to surgery speculation.
  3. Winnipeg mom wants answers after toddler’s IV led to swollen, blistered arm.
  4. Central Europe braces for further flooding as swollen rivers continue to rise. 
  5. If your knee is swollen, it’s usually a sign that something’s going on with the joint.
  6. Jordan Adams was a confident swimmer but drowned after jumping into a swollen river in November 2021.
  7. Amy Schumer says online comments about ‘Swollen Face’ helped diagnose cortisol condition.
  8. Salt concentration dependency of the hydrated swollen structure of choline phosphate-type polyzwitterion brushes.
  9. His lips became swollen and he got rashes all over. Doctors said he was dehydrated.
  10. You have to see how they arrive with swollen feet.
  11. His teeth are swollen.
  12. My hands are swollen so I feel pain.
  13. Don’t move too much because your legs are still swollen.
  14. They don’t realize that their debt has swelled too much.
  15. If the wound is swollen, see a doctor immediately.
  16. How come the body of a retired TNI brigadier general was found swollen and stiff in the Marunda sea?
  17. I didn’t go to school because my feet were swollen.
  18. This medicine can treat your swollen feet.
  19. His swollen teeth made him unable to sleep well.
  20. A man’s body has been found days after he went missing in a rain-swollen dam.

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