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25 Example sentence using the word answer


What does the word answer mean?

In the noun form, The definition of answer /ˈansər/ is a thing said, written, or done to deal with or as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation.

In the verb form, The definition of answer /ˈansər/ is to say or write something to deal with or as a reaction to someone or something, Act in reaction to (a sound such as a phone ringing or a knock or ring on a door).

The following are 25 example sentences using the word answer. You can search for other knowledge by typing in the search mark.

  1. I don’t know where the answer key is.
  2. The answer is complicated.
  3. How do I answer the Arabic question above?
  4. Diana is looking for information about the answer key to the question.
  5. We did not find the correct answer to the question.
  6. Don’t let you know the answer key.
  7. Karmila tries to solve the answer to the question as best she can.
  8. The teacher tries to find out the answer key to the math question.
  9. We need a firm answer from you.
  10. Her answer is too ambiguous.
  11. This is Linkin Park’s answer regarding the possibility of a concert in Jakarta.
  12. Kimberly Ryder’s answer about Edward’s domestic violence behavior is considered negative by many parties.
  13. Nikita Mirzani has answered where she lives now.
  14. Vanessa Angel’s mother-in-law’s sad answer after being accused of selling sadness.
  15. The example of the 2024 CPNS AKD question is already equipped with an answer key.
  16. She said God willing as an answer to her friend’s promise.
  17. Her sharp answer was quoted by various mass media.
  18. Baim Wong’s answer was who did not know that Paula Verhoeven had gone to Umrah in Saudi Arabia.
  19. Thousands of netizens are demanding answers from President Jokowi regarding the Kanjuruhan tragedy.
  20. Ridwan Kamil has given a satisfactory answer regarding his huge campaign funds.
  21. The State Civil Service Agency has answered whether or not the 2024 CPNS can register for PPPK.
  22. The Kapuas DPRD has held a plenary meeting to hear the regional head’s answer.
  23. Kartika has given a firm and straightforward answer regarding her participation in next year’s beauty contest.
  24. The written letter of the Qur’an has provided a clear answer to the anxiety she is facing.
  25. It is forbidden to look at the answer key to the question before working on it until the end.

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