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20 Example sentences using the word long bean and its definition


What does the word long bean mean?
The definition of long bean is a seasonal vegetable crop widely used by Indonesian people and is one of the types of vegetables sold daily.
The following are 20 example sentences using the word long bean. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below :

  1. They will plant thousands of long beans behind their house
  2. We will cook using long bean vegetables
  3. Don’t let the long bean plants dirty your yard
  4. When the long bean plants have grown, water them.
  5. I like to make vegetables from long beans and spinach.
  6. We bought long bean plant seeds at the market.
  7. They don’t know that our long bean plants have borne fruit.
  8. He is videoing the long bean plants that he has in the garden.
  9. He said that red ants on the long bean plants can prevent pests from eating the fruit or leaves of the long bean plants.
  10. Red ants are natural pest control for long bean plants.
  11. Mr. Mursidi needs to spray pesticide on the long bean plants that he took.
  12. The long bean plants are already long and wrapped around the surrounding trees.
  13. If you don’t clean them immediately, the long bean plants will be burned by the father.
  14. Long bean plants have many vitamins that are useful for the body.
  15. Mr. Sutiyoso can go on the hajj from the proceeds of selling long bean plants.
  16. Mother taught me how to make vegetables from long bean plants.
  17. Toni and Ahmad will take me to the rice fields to pick long beans.
  18. The price of long beans per kg in the market is sold for Rp 7,000,-.
  19. Mrs. Saiful makes fresh and delicious stir-fried long beans.
  20. Annisa is learning to make dishes from long beans.

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