Apa itu Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense?
Kalimat passive Voice Present Continuous adalah kalimat yang objeknya melakukan pekerjaan pada present continuous tense, Contoh kalimat She is eating the meatball in my office maka dirubah dalam bentuk passive voice menjadi the meatball is being eaten in my office artinya bakso ini dimakan di kantor saya
Gambar 1.0. Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Present Continuous |
Contoh Passive Voice Present Continuous ,
Dibawah ini adalah 30 contoh kalimat passive voice Present Continuous Positif, Negatif dan Interrogative, yang kami bagi masing-masing 10 contoh kalimat.
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense Positif
Berikut adalah 10 contoh kalimat aktif dan passive voice Present Continuous Tense Positif, kami memberikan contoh kalimat aktifnya supaya memudahkan di dalam memahami perubahan kata yang terjadi.
Adapun rumus Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense Positif adalah Subject + is/am/are + being + Verb 3
Kalimat Aktif | Passive Voice | Artinya | |
1 | She is washing clothes in there | Clothes are being washed by her in there | Pakaian-pakaian dicuci oleh dia di sana |
2 | Annisa is writing a poem | Poem is being written by Annisa | Puisi di tulis oleh Annisa |
3 | Tamada is watching a movie | A Movie is being watched by Tamada | Sebuah film dilihat oleh Tamada |
4 | He is visiting my village | My village is being visited by Him | Desa saya dikunjungi oleh dia |
5 | They are talking you | You are being talked by them | Kamu dibicarakan oleh mereka |
6 | We are planting cabbage in the garden | Cabbage is being planted by us in the garden | Kubis ditanam oleh kami di kebun |
7 | You are using my phone | My phone is being used by you | Telepon saya digunakan oleh anda |
8 | They are cooking fish in the kitchen | fish are being cooked by them in the kitchen | ikan-ikan dimasak oleh mereka di dapur |
9 | Amir is saying a true in front of me | A true is being said by Amir in front of me | Sebuah kebenaran dikatakan oleh Amir di depan saya |
10 | We are typing a letter in office | A letter is being typed by us in office | Sebuah surat diketik oleh kami di kantor |
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense Negatif
Berikut adalah 10 contoh Kalimat passive voice Present Continuous Tense negatif dan artinya Adapun rumus Passive Voice Present Continuous Negatif adalah Subject + is/am/are + not + being + verb 3. Apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan silakan tulis melalui kolom komentar di bawah
- Clothes are not being washed by her in there artinya Pakaian-pakain tidak dicuci oleh dia di sana.
- A poem is not being written by Annisa artinya Sebuah puisi tidak ditulis oleh Annisa.
- A movie is not being watched by Tamada artinya Sebuah film tidak dilihat oleh Tamada.
- My village is not being visited by him artinya Desa saya tidak dikunjungi oleh dia.
- You are not being talked by them artinya Kamu tidak dibicarakan oleh mereka.
- Cabbage is not being planted by us in the garden artinya Kubis tidak ditanam oleh kami di kebun.
- My phone is not being used by you artinya telepon saya tidak digunakan oleh kamu.
- Fish are not being cooked by them in the kitchen artinya Ikan-ikan tidak dimasak oleh mereka di dapur.
- A true is not being said by Amir in front of me artinya Sebuah kebenaran tidak dikatakan oleh Amir di depan saya.
- A letter is not being typed by us in this laptop artinya sebuah surat tidak diketik oleh kami di laptop ini
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense Interrogative
Berikut adalah 10 contoh Kalimat passive voice Present Continuous tense Interrogative dan artinya Adapun rumus Passive Voice Present Continuous tense Interrogative adalah to be (is, am, are) + Subject + being + Verb 3 + ? Apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan silakan tulis melalui kolom komentar di bawah :
- Are clothes being washed by her in there? artinya Apakah pakaian dicuci oleh dia di sana?
- Is a poem being written by Annisa? artinya Apakah sebuah puisi ditulis oleh Annisa?
- Is a movie being watched by Tamada? artinya Apakah sebuah film dilihat oleh Tamada?
- Is my village being visited by him? artinya Apakah desa saya dikunjungi oleh dia?
- Are you being talked by them? artinya Apakah kamu dibicarakan oleh mereka?
- Is cabbage being planted by us in the garden? artinya Apakah kubis ditanam oleh kami di kebun?
- Is my phone being used by you? artinya Apakah telepon saya digunakan oleh anda?
- Are fish being cooked by them in the kitchen? artinya Apakah ikan dimasak oleh merek di dapur?
- Is a true being said by Amir in front of me? artinya Apakah sebuah kebenaran dikatakan oleh Amir di depan saya?
- Is a letter being typed by us in this laptop? artinya Apakah sebuah surat diketik oleh kami di laptop ini?