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Do A Through Pass FC Mobile 2024 Cara Umpan Terobosan di Game FC Mobile 2024 2 Peribahasa dengan kata berasap Arti Berasap Menurut KBBI dan Contoh Kalimatnya Arti Asap Belerang Menurut KBBI Arti Asap Api Menurut KBBI


Contoh Kalimat Tanya Direct and Indirect Speech


Di dalam direct and indirect speech, pada Question Sentence atau kalimat tanya terdapat beberapa aturan sebagaimana yang terdapat pada direct  and indirect speech dalam bentuk statement (penyataan) dan kalimat perintah (imperative), Adapun kalimat Tanya pada direct and indirect speech untuk perubahan tenses, pronoun dan adverb sama dengan pernyataan (statement), adapun perubahan pada main clause apabila menggunakan kata say pada direct speech maka di dalam indirect speech, berubah sebagai berikut :

Ask artinya bertanya + Main clause berobject

Wonder artinya bertanya + Main clause tidak berobject

Inquire artinya bertanya + Main clase tidak berobject

Want to Know artinya ingin tahu + Main clause tidak berobject

2 Jenis Kalimat Tanya (Yes No Questions dan WH questions)

Apabila kalimat Tanyanya berupa yes no questions maka indirect speech menggunakan ‘if/whether”

Contoh kalimat : 

Direct Speech : Tamara said to me,”Will you visit me tomorrow.”

Indirect Speech ; Tamara asked me if I would visit her the following day.

Apabila kalimat Tanyanya berupa WH questions maka indirect speech menggunakan Question Word yang ada pada Sub clause. 

Contoh Kalimat : 

Direct Speech : “ When did you come here?” Tania said to me

Indirect Speech : Tania said to me when I had come there.

Contoh Kalimat Tanya Direct and Indirect Speech
Gambar 1.0. Contoh Kalimat Direct and Indirect Speech

Contoh Kalimat Tanya di Direct and Indirect Speech

Berikut adalah 20 contoh kalimat Tanya (Question Word) pada direct and indirect speech.Adapun warna kuning kami berikan kepada kata yang mengalami perubahan. Supaya memudahkan di dalam mempelajari dan memahaminya.

  1. Direct Speech : Joko told Abdullah,”Do you join me?”
  2. Indirect Speech : Joko asked Abdullah if he joined him.
  3. Direct Speech : Jasmine said to Heru,”Do you want me?”
  4. Indirect Speech : Jasmine asked Heru if he wanted her.
  5. Direct Speech : Dani told Dian,”Do you love me?”
  6. Indirect Speech : Dani asked Dian if she loved him
  7. Direct Speech : Gabriel said to Sabrina,”Where is my motor cycle?”
  8. Indirect Speech : Gabriel asked Sabrina where his motor cycle was.
  9. Direct Speech : Sabrina said to Ikhya’udin,”Where is my book?”
  10. Indirect Speech : Sabrina asked Ikhya’udin where her book was.
  11. Direct Speech : Tono asked Faradilla,”Is this house big?”
  12. Indirect Speech : Tono asked Faradilla whether this house was big or not.
  13. Direct Speech : Samsul asked Rahma,”Is this bag expensive?”
  14. Indirect Speech : Samsul asked Rahma whether this bag was expensive or not.
  15. Direct Speech : Maria said to me, “Will you give me money?
  16. Indirect Speech : Maria asked me if I would give her money.
  17. Direct Speech : Dian said to me, “When did you cook this?”
  18. Indirect speech : Dian asked me when I had cooked this.
  19. Direct Speech : Salisa said to Abdullah,”Where is my shoes?”
  20. Indirect Speech : Salisa asked Abdullah where her shoes was.

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