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Contoh Soal Direct And Indirect Speech Pilihan Ganda Dan Jawabannya


					Contoh Soal Direct And Indirect Speech Pilihan Ganda Dan Jawabannya Perbesar

Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal passive voice pilihan ganda, kemudian ingin berlatih soal direct indirect atau conditional sentence, dengan mengklik menu dropdown “Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

Direct and Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat langsung atau tidak langsung seperti Contoh kalimat berikut, Tamara bercerita kepada Fauzan “Amira tidak akan menyerah untuk mencapai impiannya.” (Tamara told to Fauzan “Amira will not give up to reach her dreams.)” Maka kalimat tersebut adalah contoh direct speech, adapun kalimat tidak langsungnya atau indirect speech seperti kalimat tamara telah bercerita kepada Fauzan bahwa Amira tidak akan menyerah untuk mencapai impiannya (Tamara told to Fauzan that Amira wouldn’t give up to reach her dreams). kata bahwa pada kalimat kedua menunjukkan kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech).

Baca Juga :

1. Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech dan Contoh Kalimatnya

2. Contoh Soal Direct and Indirect Speech Essay

Cara mudah mengerjakan contoh soal direct and indirect speech dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.

Cara kedua supaya memudahkan di dalam mengerjakan contoh soal direct and indirect speech dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, yakni dengan sering Anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan direct and indirect speech di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan Anda di dalam mengerjakan contoh soal direct and indirect speech akan lebih mahir.

contoh soal direct and indirect speech pilihan ganda dan jawabannya

Tabel 1.0 Contoh soal direct and indirect speech pilihan ganda dan jawabannya

Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal direct and indirect speech dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan atau saran, silahkan ditulis di kolom komentar di bawah atau melalui laman kontak.


1. DS : Siti said to saiful “I will wait you in my home”

a. Siti said to Saiful that I will wait you in my home

b. Siti said to Saiful that She will wait him in her home

 c. Siti said to Saiful that She would wait him in her home

d. Siti said to Saiful that She will wait him in her home

2. DS : Paidi said to Firman “You are my best friend forever”

a. Paidi said to Firman that you were his best friend forever

b. Paidi said to Firman that He was his best friend forever

c. Paidi said to Firman that She was my best friend forever

d. Paidi said to Firman that He had my best friend forever

3. DS : Tamara told to Fauzan “Amira will not give up to reach her dreams.”

a. Tamara told to Fauzan that Amira wouldn’t give up to reach her dreams

b.Tamara told to Fauzan that She willn’t give up to reach her dreams

c. Tamara told to Fauzan that She wouldn’t give up to reach her dreams

d. Tamara told to Fauzan that Amira willn’t give up to reach her dreams

4. DS : Syaiful said ”Do you want to get scholarship?”

a. Syaiful said if you wanted to get scholarship.

b. Syaiful said if you wants to get scholarship.

c. Syaiful said that you have wanted to get scholarship.

d.Syaiful said if you had wanted to get scholarship.

5. DS : Andi, Tomi and Rudi said “We are eating Fried chicken in canteen now”

a. Andi, Tomi and Rudi said that they are eating fried chicken in canteen then

b. Andi, Tomi and Rudi said that they have eaten fried chicken in canteen then

c. Andi, Tomi and Rudi said that they were eating fried chicken in canteen then

d. Andi, Tomi and Rudi said that they had eaten fried chicken in canteen then

6. DS : Taifan told to Toni “When will you buy the new shoes,Toni?

a.Taifan told to Toni When you will buy the new shoes,Toni

b.Taifan told to Toni When will he buy the new shoes,Toni

c.Taifan told to Toni When he will bought the new shoes,Toni

d.Taifan told to Toni When he would buy the new shoes,Toni

7. DS : Siregar said “I have been in office for 2 hours”

a. Siregar said that he had been in office for 2 hours

b. Siregar said that he has been in office for 2 hours

c. Siregar said that I have been in office for 2 hours

d. Siregar said that he has been in office for 2 hours

8. DS : Tiny Toon said “I have sung in the best concert last night.”

 a. Tiny Toon said that She had sung in the best concert last night

b. Tiny Toon said that She had sung in the best concert the night before

c. Tiny Toon said that She has sung in the best concert the night before

d. Tiny Toon said that She had been sung in the best concert the night before

9. DS : Rommy has asked Tommy “When will you visit Bandung next month?”

a. Romy has asked Tommy When he will visit Bandung the month after

b. Romy has asked Tommy When he would visit Bandung the month after

c. Romy has asked Tommy When he will visit Bandung next month

d. Romy has asked Tommy When he would visited Bandung the month after

10. DS : Budi said to Agus “Why don’t you love me forever?”

a. Budi said to Agus Why he doesn’t love me forever

b. Budi said to Agus Why he didn’t love me forever

c. Budi said to Agus Why don’t he loves him forever

d. Budi said to Agus Why he didn’t love him forever

11. DS : Tiago told to Amir“Don’t go to the jungle in the night.”

a. Tiago told to Amir don’t go to the jungle that night

b. Tiago told to Amir not to go to the jungle that night

c. Tiago told to Amir didn’t go to the jungle that night

d. Tiago told to Amir not to go to the jungle tonight

12. DS : Syarifah said to Sufirman “Give affection and attention to your students!.”

a. Syarifah said to Sufirman to give affection and attention to his students.

b. Syarifah said to Sufirman not to give affection and attention to his students.

c. Syarifah said to Sufirman give affection and attention to his students

d.Syarifah said to Sufirman if give affection and attention to his students

13. DS : Abdul said to Amir “Will you marry fatimah next month?”

a. Abdul said to Amir will he marry fatimah the month after

b. Abdul said to Amir will you married fatimah the month after

c. Abdul said to Amir would he marry fatimah the month after.

d. Abdul said to Amir will he marry fatimah the month after.

14. DS : Lina told to Fadil “Don’t leave me alone, I needs you everyday.”

a. Lina told to Fadil not to leave him alone, I needs him everyday.

b. Lina told to Fadil not to leave him alone, She needs him everyday

c. Lina told to Fadil not to leavwse me alone, She needed him everyday

d. Lina told to Fadil not to leave me alone, I needed him everyday

15. DS : Syamsul said to Syamsi “Keep your pray to the almighty until you die.”

a. Syamsul said to Syamsi to keep his pray to the almighty until he died.

b. Syamsul said to Syamsi to keep your pray to the almighty until he die.

c. Syamsul said to Syamsi to keep your pray to the almighty until you die.

d. Syamsul said to Syamsi to keep your pray to the almighty until you died

16. DS : Suti said to Aminah : “You have given something to your husband last night.”

a. Suti said to Aminah that You have given something to your husband the night before.

b. Suti said to Aminah that You had given something to your husband the night before.

c. Suti said to Aminah that She gave something to her husband the night before

d. Suti said to Aminah that She had given something to her husband the night before

17. DS : Doctor told to Roni :”Don’t use cigaret, because it is able to breake your health.”

a. Doctor told to Roni not to use cigaret, because it was able to breake your health.

b. Doctor told to Roni not to use cigaret, because it was able to breake your health.

c. Doctor told to Roni not to use cigaret, because it is able to breake his health.

d. Doctor told to Roni not to use cigaret, because it was able to breake his health.

18. DS : Teacher said to his students : “Will you breake our rule in our school?”

a.Teacher said to his students would they broke their rule in their school.

b. Teacher said to his students will they break their rule in their school.

c. Teacher said to his students that will they broke their rule in their school.

d. Teacher said to his students would they breaketheir rule in their school.

19. DS : Andika FM said to us.”Be carefull in the road!”

a. Andika FM said to us to be carefull in the road

b. Andika FM said to us not to be carefull in the road

c. Andika FM said to us be carefull in the road

d. Andika FM said to us don’t be carefull in the road

20. DS : Rina said to Aisyah.”be patient to educate your child”

a. Rina said to Aisyah to be patient to educate your child

b. Rina said to Aisyah to be patient to educate her child

c. Rina said to Aisyah not to be patient to educate her child

d. Rina said to Aisyah not to be patient to educate your child

21. DS : Amru said to Ariel.”You will receive this price next month.”

a. Amru said to Ariel that he will receive this price next month

b. Amru said to Ariel that he would receive this price the month after.

c. Amru said to Ariel that you would receive this price the month after.

d. Amru said to Ariel that you will receive this price the month after

22. DS : Tiago told to Andini.”Don’t be arrogant person in this world!”

a. Tiago told to Andini not to be arrogant person in this world

b. Tiago told to Andini don’t be arrogant person in this world

c. Tiago told to Andini didn’t be arrogant person in this world

d. Tiago told to Andini to be arrogant person in this world

23. DS : Rivaldo said to Abdullah.”Will you go to Damascus next year?”

a. Rivaldo said to Abdullah would he go to Damascus next year.

b. Rivaldo said to Abdullah would he go to Damascus the year after.

c. Rivaldo said to Abdullah will he go to Damascus the year after.

d. Rivaldo said to Abdullah will he go to Damascus next year.

24. DS : Ando said to Syamsul ”When do you go to Banjarmasin?”

a. Ando said to Syamsul When he went to Banjarmasin.

b. Ando said to Syamsul When do you go to Banjarmasin.

c. Ando said to Syamsul When he goes to Banjarmasin

d. Ando said to Syamsul When did you go to Banjarmasin

25. DS : Rudi said to Badawi “Why do you write this sentence?”

a. Rudi said to Badawi Why he wrote this sentence.

b. Rudi said to Badawi Why did you write this sentence.

c. Rudi said to Badawi Why he writes this sentence.

d. Rudi said to Badawi Why do you write this sentence.

26. DS : Tommy asked to Toni “What did you do in Java last week?”

a. Tommy asked to Toni What he did in Java the week before

b. Tommy asked to Toni What he do in Java the week before

c. Tommy asked to Toni What did you do in Java the week before

d. Tommy asked to Toni What did he do in Java the week before

27. DS : Rahmad said to Rifka “I willn’t go to Bandung next week.”

a. Rahma said to Rifka that I wouldn’t go to Bandung the week after.

b. Rahma said to Rifka that he wouldn’t go to Bandung the week after.

c. Rahma said to Rifka that he willn’t go to Bandung the week after.

d. Rahma said to Rifka that he willn’t go to Bandung next week.

28. DS : Rofiq asked to Rohmah “Is she waiting you in class now.?”

a. Rofiq asked to Rohmah whether she is waiting him in class then.

b. Rofiq asked to Rohmah whether she was waiting him in class then or not.

c. Rofiq asked to Rohmah whether she had been waiting him in class then.

d. Rofiq asked to Rohmah whether she is waiting him in class then.

29. DS : Toni said to Taufiq “What did he bring to you in class last time?”

a. Toni said to Taufiq What he bring to him in class the time before.

b. Toni said to Taufiq What he brought to him in class the time before.

c. Toni said to Taufiq What he brought to him in class last time.

d. Toni said to Taufiq What did he bring to him in class last time.

30. DS : Anton said to Andini “Don’t be panic to face everything!”

a. Anton said to Andini not to be panic to face everything.

b. Anton said to Andini don’t be panic to face everything.

c. Anton said to Andini didn’t be panic to face everything.

 d. Anton said to Andini don’t be panic to face everything.

Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal direct and indirect speech pilihan ganda dan jawabannya

1.C 6.D 11.B 16.D 21.B 26.A

2.B 7.A 12.A 17.D 22.A 27.B

3.A 8.B 13.C 18.B 23.C 28.B

4.A 9.B 14.C 19.A 24.A 29.B

5.C 10.D 15.A 20.B 25.A 30.A

Tinggalkan Balasan

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