Degree of Comparison adalah aturan kalimat di dalam bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan sebuah perbandingan.seperti kalimat berikut: Rumah saya lebih besar dari rumahmu (I am writing a book in house now) atau kalimat berikut Tinggi Annisa setinggi saya. (Annisa tall is as tall as me).
Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Degree of Comparison dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal tersebut, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus lengkap.
Cara kedua supaya bisa mengerjakan soal Degree of Comparison dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Degree of Comparison di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Degree of Comparison akan lebih mahir.
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Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Degree of Comparison Pilihan Ganda |
Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal Degree of Comparison dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal
Choose The Correct Answer From These Questions Below!!!
1.Tomi is dilligent, Samsul is dilligent so
a. Tomi is as dilligent as Samsul b. Tomi are as dilligent as Samsul is
c. Tomi is more dillegent than Samsul d. Tomi is the most dilligent than Samsul
2. Samsul speaks loudly, Indana speaks loudly too.
a. Samsul speaks as loudly as Indana b. Samsul speaks as loudly as Indana too
c. Samsul speaks as loudly as Indana so d. Samsul speaks more loudly than indana
3. Your house is big, Mine is big too
a. Your house is as big as mine b. Your house is as big as me so.
c. Your house is as big as me d. Your house is as big as me too
4. Doctor’s Salary is Rp 4000000/month, Teacher’s salary is RP 2000000/month
a. Doctor’s salary is the biggest than all b. Doctor’s salary is as much as Teacher’s salary
c. Doctor’s salary is as less as Teacher’s salary d. Doctor’s salary is more than Teacher’s salary
5. My tall is 159 cm, Annisa tall is 159 cm
a. My tall is the tallest than all b. Annisa tall is as tall as me
c. Annisa tall is taller than me d. Annisa talll is shorter than me
6. My money is Rp 700000,-. My brother money is Rp 500000,-
a.My money is as much as my brother b.My money is more than my brother
c.My money is less than my brother d.My money is worse than my brother
7. The weight of Tomatoes is 17 kg, The weight of potatoes is 21 kg
a. The weight of tomatoes is as much as potatoes b.The weight of tomatoes is more than potatoes
c.The weight of tomatoes is less than potatoes d.The weight of tomatoes is worse than potatoes
This questions is for 4 questions Arini’s tall is 165 cm, Dani’s tall is 175 cm Sabrina’s tall is 159 cm, Diego’s tall is 170 cm
8. Arini’s tall is … than diego’s tall
a. taller b. shorter c. Shortest d. tallest
9. Dani’s tall is … than Diego’s tall
a. taller b. shorter c. Shortest d. tallest
10. Sabrina’s tall is … than all
a. taller b. shorter c. Shortest d. tallest
11. ani’s tall is … than all
a. taller b. shorter c. Shortest d. tallest
A shoes is Rp 75000,- . B Shoes is Rp 75000,- , C shoes is Rp 100000, D shoes is Rp 50000,-
12 the price A Shoes is … B Shoes
a. As price as c. Most cheap b. More expensice d. Most expensive
13. the price B shoes is… than C Shoes
a. As price as b. More cheap c. More expensice d. Most expensive
14. C Shoes is … than B Shoes
a. As price as c. Most cheap b. More expensice d. More cheap
15. C Shoes is … than all
a. As price as c. Most cheap b. More expensice d. Most expensive
16. D Shoes is … than all
a. As price as c. Most cheap b.More expensice d. Most expensive
Adin’s score is 100, Fatimah’s score is 75, Ulfa’s score is 90. Latifa’s score is 60
17. Adin’s score is … than all
a. The best b. Better c.Smaller d.The worst
18. Fatimah’s score is … than Ulfa’s score
a. The best b.Better c.Smaller d.The worst
19. Ulfa’s score is … than Fatimah’s score
a. The best b.Better c.Smaller d.The worst
20. Latifa’s score is … than all
a. The best b.Better c.Smaller d.The worst
Rian uses 100 lt galon/day, Tomo uses 50 lt galon/day, Surti uses 30 lt galon/day, Tardi uses 50 lt galon/day
21. Tomo uses water as … as tardi do.
a. Much b. Most c.More d. Less
22. Tomo uses water …than Riani do
a. Much b. Most c. More d. Less
23. Surti uses water … than all
a. Much b. Most c. More d. Less
24. Rian uses water … than all
a. Much b. Most c. More d. Less
25. Siti runs faster and …
a. Slowly b.Most fast c. More fast d. Faster
26. Andini works hard, Aminah doesn’t work hard
a. Andini works is less than Aminah b. Andini works hard but Aminah doesn’t
c. Andini works as hard as Aminah d. Aminah works more hard than Andini
Indana reads 5 books, Samsul reads 5 books, Arif reads 3 books, Badui reads 9 books,
27. Indana reads book … Samsul
a. As much as b. More c. Most d. As less as
28. Arif reads book … than Samsul
a. As much as b. More c. Most d. As less as
29. Badui reads book … than Samsul
a. As much as b. More c. Most d. As less as
30. Badui reads …. book than all
a. As much as b. More c. Most d. As less as
Kunci Jawaban Soal Pilihan Ganda Tersebut
1. A 6.B 11.D 16.D 21.A 26.B
2. A 7.C 12.A 17.A 22.D 27.A
3. A 8.B 13.B 18.C 23.D 28.D
4. D 9.A 14.B 19.B 24.B 29.B
5. B 10.C 15.D 20.D 25.D 30.C
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