Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Question Tag dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal tersebut, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus lengkap.
Cara kedua supaya bisa mengerjakan soal Question Tag Pilihan ganda, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Question Tag di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Question Tag akan lebih mahir.
Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Question Tag pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya |
Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal Question Tag pilihan ganda, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di bagian akhir kalimat, apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan silakan tulis melalui form konsultasi di atas. Apabila saudara merasa kurang nyaman dengan iklan yang anda maka sebaiknya anda membeli buku latihan soal bahasa inggris melalui link di bawah
1. Rhoma Irama is the king of dangdut song, …?
a.Aren’t he b. Don’t he c. Didn’t he d.isn’t he
2. They will demonstration on 11 February, … ?
a.Will They b.Won’t they c.Didn’t they d.isn’t they
3. Vida were in my heart last time, … ?
a.Will not She b.Didn’t She c.Isn’t She d.weren’t She
4. Money isn’t make your life better, … ? it it c.don’t it d.will it
5. I am not afraid to stand alone, … ?
a.Do I b.Am I c.Don’t I d.Won’t I
6. Everything will be alright, … ?
a.Don’t it b.isn’t it c.aren’t it d.Won’t it
7. They aren’t paid well, … ?
a.Are they b.Do they c.didn’t they d.Will they
8. The civil servants aren’t fired by their governor,..?
a.Are they b.Do they c.didn’t they d.will they
9. You have never seen your wife, …?
a.have you b.Do you c.did you d.Aren’t you
10. Let’s play Futsal in Stadium, … ?
a.haven’t you b.don’t you c.did you d.Shall we
11. Aminah seldom advised me, … ?
a.Haven’t she b.doesn’t she c.did she d.will she
12. My step mother rarely loves me, … ?
a.don’t she b.doesn’t she c.does she d.did she
13. My step father has kicked me in the kitchen, … ?
a.hasn’t he b.has he c.didn’t he d.will he
14. Close your door, … ?
a.Has you b.don’t you c.did you d.will you
15. No one has patient like our prophet, … ?
a.haven’t they b.have they c.didn’t they d.will they
16. He always watches me from that bridge, … ?
a.didn’t he b.doesn’t he c.does he d.did he
17. He broke my pipe last time, … ?
a.hasn’t he b.has he c.didn’t he d.will he
18. Nothing will be perfect in this world, … ?
a.hasn’t they b.has they c.won’t they d.will they
19. The sound’s habib Syech is very good, … ? he b.isn’t he c.won’t he d.will he
20. She always traps ilzami with her innocent child,..?
a.doesn’t she b.isn’t she c.does she she
21. It is nine o’clock, … ? it b.isn’t it c.won’t it d.will it
22. Don’t impolite for everything, …!
a.are you you c.won’t you d.will you
23. Let’s invite every one go to mosque, … !
a.Are we b. Do we c.Won’t we d. Shall we
24. There is a delicious food for you. … ?
a. Isn’t there b. Don’t there c. Is there d.Are there
25. Everyone wants to be like him, …?
a. don’t they b. does they c.doesn’t they they
26. The lazyness didn’t give a benefit, … ?
a, did it b. don’t it c. doesn’t it d. Will it
27. I seldom meet him at office, … ?
a. Do I b. Doesn’t I c. will I d.won’t I
28. Daeng is monitoring his yard from snakes, … ?
a. Isn’t he b.Doesn’t he c. aren’t he d.didn’t he
29. Please, Say the truth, …!
a. Don’t you b.Doesn’t you c. Will you d.won’t you
30. Everything must be allright, … !
a. does it it c.will you d. Will it
Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Question Tag Pilihan Ganda
1.D 6.D 11.C 16.B 21.B 26.A
2.B 7.A 12.C 17.C 22.D 27.A
3.D 8.A 13.A 18.D 23.D 28.A
4.A 9.A 14.D 19.B 24.A 29.C
5.B 10.D 15.B 20.A 25.C 30.C