Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat di dalam bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan pengandaian. Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Conditional Sentence dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal tersebut, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus lengkap.
Cara kedua supaya bisa mengerjakan soal Conditional Sentence Pilihan ganda, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Conditional Sentence di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Conditional Sentence akan lebih mahir.
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Tabel 1.0 Contoh Soal Conditional Sentence dan Jawabannya |
Berikut 30 Contoh soal Conditional sentence piloihan ganda dan kunci jawabannya.
1. Amru wished that he got a champion.
a. Fact : Amru doesn’t get a champion
b. Fact : Amru gets a champion
c. Fact : Amru got a champion
d. Fact : Amru didn’t get a champion
2. If Majapahit lived forever. They would be a big king
a. Fact : Majapahit doesn’t live forever
b. Fact : Majapahit didn’t live forever30
c. Fact : Majapahit lives forever
d. Fact : Majapahit lived forever
3. Japan people warn as if he had conquered this world.
a. Fact : Japan had conquered this world
b. Fact : Japan conquered this world
c. Fact : Japan didn’t conquered this world
d. Fact : Japan had not conquered this world
4. If you were a new civil servant, I would accompany you.
a. Fact : Yoo will be a new civil servant
b. Fact : You will not be a new civil servant
c. Fact : You will not be a new civil servant
d. Fact : You don’t be a new civil servant
5. If only they had conquered this city.
a. Fact : They are not conquering this city
b. Fact : They didn’t conquere this city.
c. Fact : They had conquered this city.
d. Fact : They hadn’t conquered this city.
6. Aria wished that he had married in this year.
a. Fact : Aria hadn’t married in this year
b. Fact : Aria didn’t marry in this year
c. Fact : Aria will marry in this year
d. Fact : Aria weren’t marry in this year
7. If they were a kind man, Tiago would give them a parcel
a. Fact : They weren’t a kind man so Tiago will not give them a parcel
b. Fact : They are not a kind man so Tiago will not give them a parcel
c. Fact : They are a kind man so Tiago will give them a parcel
d. Fact : They are not a kind man so Tiago will give them a parcel
8. Tommy would have played badminton If Tamara had accepted his proposal.
a. Fact : Tommy wouldn’t play badminton because Tamara didn’t accept his proposal.
b. Fact :Tommy would play badminton because Tamara didn’t accept his proposal
c. Fact :Tommy willn’t play badminton because Tamara accepted his proposal
d. Fact : Tommy will play badminton because tamara accepts his proposal.
9. The colonialist would rather he had become president.
a. Fact : He become president
b. Fact : He would become president
c. Fact : He didn’t become president
d. Fact : He will be a president
10. If Aly Mashar had passed from Brawijaya University You would have appreciated him
a. Fact : Aly Mashar passed from Brawijaya University so you would apprecuate him.
b. Fact : Aly Mashar didn’t pass from Brawijaya University so you would not appreciate him
c. Fact : Aly Mashar will pass from Brawijaya University so you willn’t appreciate him
d. Fact : Aly Mashar will not pass from Brawijaya University so you will not appreciate him.
11. They would rather he had been stupied forever.
a. Fact : He didn’t be stupied forever
b. Fact : He wasn’t be stupied forever
c. Fact : He isn’t be stupied forever
d. Fact : He will be stupied forever
12. Amiru would be arrogant. If you didn’t go to France.
a. Fact : Amiru won’t be arrogant because you go to France
b. Fact : Amiru will be arrogant because you don’t go to France
c. Fact : Amiru won’t be arrogant because you go to France
d. Fact : Amiru wouldn’t be arrogant because you went to France
13. If Amin hadn’t choosed Tumaji last year, I would have recruited Tumaji
a. Fact : Amin didn’t choose Tumaji last year so I will not recruite Tumaji
b. Fact : Amin choosed Tumaji last year so I would not recruite Tumaji
c. Fact : Amin doesn’t choose Tumaji last year so I will not recruite Tumaji
d. Fact : Amin chooses Tumaji last year so I will recruite Tumaji.
14. She wouldn’t release his prisoner, If you didn’t give her money.
a. Fact : She willl release his prisoner so you gives her money
b. Fact : She will not release his prisoner so you don’t give her money.
c. Fact : She would release his prisoner so you gave her money.
d. Fact : She will release his prisoner so you don’t give her money.
15. I wished that I had gone to Java Islands
a. Fact : I went to Java Islands b. Fact : I didn’t go to Java Islands
c. Fact : I will go to Java Islands d. Fact : I don’t go to Java ISlands
16. They talked as if they weren’t the most younger in the class
a. Fact : they were the most younger in the class
b. Fact : they have the most younger in the class
c. Fact : they are the most younger in the class
d. Fact : they don’t the most younget in the class
17. Rudi wished Aminah had received his proposal
a. Fact : Aminah didn’t received his proposal
b. Fact : Aminah will not received his proposal
c. Fact : Aminah don’t received his proposal
d. Fact : Aminah receive his proposal
18. Tamara wouldn’t sing a song If you made problem.
a. Fact : Tamara will sing a song so you don’t make problem.
b. Fact :Tamara will not sing a song so you makes problem.
c. Fact : Tamara would sing a song so you made problem.
d. Fact : Tamara sang a song so you don’t make problem.
19. Jackson wouldn’t suffered, If you threated him
a. Fact : Jackson will suffer so you will threat him
b. Fact : Jackson will not suffer so you don’t threat him.
c. Fact : Jackson would suffer so you threat him
d. Fact : Jackson will suffer so you don’t threat him
20. His sound had given information to all people, If they would have published it.
a. Fact : his sound didn’t give information to all people so they would not publish it
b. Fact : his sound will give information to all people so they wouldn’t publish it
c. Fact : his sound give information to all people so they will not publish it
d. Fact : his sound doesn’t give information to all people so they will publish it
21. If Abdul had joined this football club last week, They wouldn’t have received you.
a. Fact : Abdul would join this football club last week so they would receive you.
b. Fact : Abdul joined this football club last week so they will not receive you.
c. Fact : Abdul didn’t join this football club last week so they would receive you.
d. Fact : Abdul doesn’t join this football club last week so they will receive you.
22. Romi wished that his company employed him now
a. Fact : His company won’t employe him now
b. Fact : His company will employee him now
c. Fact : His company doesn’t employee him now
d. Fact : His company employee him now
23. If Tamada repaired my motorcycle today, I would make a date with her.
a. Fact : Tamada has repaired my motorcycle today, So I will not make a date with her.
b. Fact : Tamada will repair my motorcycle today so I will make a date with her.
c. Fact : Tamada repairs my motorcycle today so I wiould not make a date with her.
d. Fact: Tamada doesn’t repair my motorcycle today so I won’t make a date with her
24. Syaiful would rather he had solved this problem yesterday
a. Fact : He solves this problem yesterday b. Fact : He will solve this problem yesterday
c. Fact : He didn’t solve this problem yesterday d. Fact : He solved this problem yesterday
25. This student wrote everything as if he had understood this science
a. Fact : This student understood this science b. Fact : This student didn’t understand this science
c. Fact: This sudent will understand this science d. Fact : This student doesn’t understand this science
26. He would steal this jewelry, If you didn’t prohibite him
a. Fact : He will not steal this jewelry so you don’t ptohibite him
b. Fact : He will steal this jewelry so you didn’t prohibite him
c. Fact : He would steal this jewelry so you prohibite him.
d. Fact: He would not steal this jewelry so you prohibited him.
27. If Ramadan went to Tokyo yesterday, I wouldn’t meet this queen.
a. Fact : Ramadan didn’t go to Tokyo today so I will meet this queen.
b. Fact :Ramadan went to Tokyo yesterday so I will not meet this queen.
c. Fact : Ramadan didn’t go to Tokyo today so I would meet this queen.
d. Fact : Ramadan doesn’t go to Tokyo today so I will meet this queen.
28. Budiarti wished his child had became policeman last year
a. Fact : His child didn’t become policeman last year
b. Fact : His child will become policeman last year
c. Fact : His child has become poiiceman last year
d. Fact : His child becomes policeman last year
29. Doni said that as though he had kept you last night
a. Fact : He didn’t keep you last night
b. Fact : He will keep you last night
c. Fact : He didn’t keep you last night
d. Fact : He hadn’t keep you last night
30. Sayyidati wished she had played football yesterday
a. Fact : She will play football yesterday
b. Fact : She didn’t play football yesterday
c. Fact : She were playing football yesterday
d. Fact : She weren’t playing football yesterday
Kunci Jawaban :
1. A 6.B 11.A 16.C 21.C 26.A
2. A 7.D 12.C 17.A 22.B 27.D
3. C 8.A 13.B 18.A 23.D 28.A.
4. C 9.C 14.A 19.C 24.C 29.C
5. C 10.B 15.B 20.A 25.B 30.B
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