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Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Essay dan Jawabannya


Adjective Clause adalah kata hubung di dalam bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan 2 kalimat.seperti Contoh kalimat berikut.10 November adalah hari kemenangan (10 November is victory days) ini adalah semangatku. (it is my spirit) maka dua kalimat tersebut bisa digabung menjadi 10 November which is my spirit is victory days.  (10 November adalah semangat saya hari kemenangan.) Which adalah salah satu adjective clause yang berfungsi menggabungkan kalimat. Contoh kalimat adjective clause yang kedua seperti Syarifah telah membeli tas ini (Syarifah bought this bag), Abdullah menyukai warnanya (Abdullah likes its colour) Maka kedua kalimat tersebut bisa digabung dengan adjective clause which menjadi Syarifah bought this bag which colour Abdullah likes (Syarifah membeli tas ini yang mana warnanya Abdullah suka) 

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Adjective Clause dalam bentuk essay adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal tersebut, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus lengkap.

Cara kedua supaya bisa mengerjakan soal Adjective Clause dalam bentuk essay, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Adjective Clause di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Adjective Clause akan lebih mahir. 

Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Essay dan Jawabannya
Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Essay dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal adjective clause dalam bentuk essay adapun kunci jawaban dari soal berada di akhir soal. Apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan silahkan tulis di kolom komentar di bawah atau melalui laman kontak.


1. Boaz kicks this ball. He makes a good goal …. 

2. The mount is kelud. It is very explosive. … 

3. This girl is singing to me, she is very beautiful … 

4. Suparli married 4 girls, one of them is Arabic … 

5. Indonesia has five big islands, these are Kalimantan, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and Irian, The biggest of them is Kalimantan. … 

6. 10 november is victory days, it is my spirit. …

 7. Love brings peace to all. You told them. … 

8. Didi kempot song’s is very good, I listened it. … 

9. I met beautiful girl, her sweater is black brown … 

10. This house is very quite, I am interested in it. … 

11. This book contains a good idea, the covers of it are red colour. … 

12. Samria was enjoying this music. Its music from east Java. … 

13. Isyanah met Andini at tengkayu port, Andini works there. … 

14. Her reason is dissatisfaction, Purnomo hates Rina … 

15. Heru will never forget raisa, She got lucky day at that time. … 

16. They wrote letter in his book, They are teacher … 

17. The girl is beautiful, She is playing harpist … 

18. This house is white, I bought it last year. … 

19. This office has 5 employees, all of them are Industrial Engineering. … 

20. This song will give spirit, Ariel is singing this song. … 

21. This boy is so bad, He reads a bad news … 

22. The store is rent by my brother, The store is good. … 

23. The question is difficult, This question has been answered by Ilham. … 

24. The land is very expensive, I like it very much. … 

25. Aminah will visit Bali Islands, The beautiful of this island is Bedugul … 

26. Syarifah bought this bag, Abdullah likes its colour…. 

27. I have a beautiful wife, My mother looks for her. … 

28. This girl is smart, She uses the red headscarf. … 

29. Today is independence day, it was declared in 1945. … 

30. Fivin is reading a book, Its book is written by me …

Kunci Jawaban 

1. Boaz kicks this ball who makes a good goal. 

2. The mount which is very explosive is kelud. 

3. This girl who is very beautiful is singing to me. 

4. Suparli married 4 girls, one of whom is Arabic 

5. Indonesia has five big islands, these are Kalimantan, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and Irian, The biggest of whom is Kalimantan. 

6. 10 November which is my spirit is victory days. 

7. Love whom you told brings peace to all.

8. Didi kempot song’s which I listened is very good.

9. I met beautiful girl whose sweater is black brown. 

10. This house is very quite which i am interested in. 

11. This book, the covers of which are red colour, contains a good idea. 

12. Samria was enjoying this music whose music from east Java. 

13. Isyanah met Andini at Tengkayu port where Andini works. 

14. Purnomo hates Rina whose reason is dissatisfaction. 

15. Heru will never forget Raisa who got lucky day at that time. 

16. They wrote letter in his book who are teacher. 

17. The girl who is playing harpist is beautiful. 

18. This house which I bought last year is white. 

19. This office has 5 employees all of whom are industrial engineering. 

20. This song which Ariel is singing will give spirit. 

21. This boy, who reads a bad news, is so bad. 

22. The store which is good is rent by my brother. 

23. The question which has been answered by Ilham is difficult. 

24. The land which i like very much is very expensive.

25. Aminah will visit Bali Islands the beautiful of which is Bedugul. 

26. Syarifah bought this bag which colour Abdullah likes. 

27. I have a beautiful wife whom my mother looks for. 

28. This girl who uses the red headscarf is smart. 

29. Today is independence day which was declared in 1945. 

30. Fivin is reading a book which book is written by me.

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