Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal passive voice essay, kemudian ingin berlatih soal direct indirect speech atau conditional sentence, dengan mengklik menu dropdown “Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.
Passive Voice adalah kalimat pasif di dalam bahasa inggris, Passive Voice berfungsi untuk menyatakan kalimat pasif. seperti Contoh kalimat berikut, Dia akan diserang oleh penyakit (He would be attacked by disease). Radio didengarkan oleh kami setiap malam. (The radio is heard by me every night) kami menyarankan kepada anda untuk memahami materi passive voice terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal supaya tidak mengalami kesulitan di dalam mengerjakannya. sebagaimana tertera pada link dibawah,
Baca Juga
1. Contoh Passive Voice Positif dan Pengertiannya
2. Contoh Passive Voice Negatif dan Rumusnya
3. Contoh Passive Voice Interrogative dan Rumusnya
Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Passive Voice dalam bentuk essay adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal tersebut, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.
Cara kedua supaya bisa mengerjakan soal Passive Voice dalam bentuk essay, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Passive Voice di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Passive Voice akan lebih mahir.
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Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Passive Voice dan Jawabannya |
Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal Passive Voice dalam bentuk Essay, kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. Apabila saudara merasa kurang nyaman dengan iklan yang anda maka sebaiknya anda membeli buku latihan soal bahasa inggris pada link tersebut dengan harga Rp 11.000,-. Jika saudara ingin bertanya atau berkonsultasi silakan klik form konsultasi di atas
1. Shabrina (buy) … the house now. (Make a passive voice with buy)
2. The student (give) … the work home, yesterday. (Make a passive voice with give)
3. The plate (wash) … by my handmaiden. (Make a passive voice with wash)
4. Active Voice: Tiago is listening Japan music. Passive voice : …
5. Active Voice : Farikha resembles flower with this actress. Passive voice : …
6. Active Voice : Wildan painted your house yesterday. Passive voice: …
7. Active Voice : Disease will attack him. Passive voice :
8. Active Voice : Rudy have repaired your motor cycle. Passive voice : .
9. Active Voice : Aminah wears unique jacket. Passive voice : …
10. Active Voice : Indana have brought a good bag. Passive voice : …
11. Active Voice : You and I will kill Netherland soldiers. Passive voice : …
12. Active Voice : Rahma Farida gave a flower to me in front of this class. Passive voice : …
13. Active Voice : Romeo will visit Juliet next week. Passive voice : …
14. Active Voice : Narendra was listening a good song yesterday morning. Passive voice : ….
15. Active Voice : Lindsay pulled the door until broken last week. Passive voice : …
16. Active Voice : I hears the radio every night. Passive voice : …
17. Active Voice : We saw this movie last night at bioscope. Passive voice : …
18. Active Voice : They will play badminton next week. Passive voice : …
19. Active Voice : Samsuri is singing a song in radio now. Passive voice : …
20. Active Voice : Rudi will kick this ball tomorrow. Passive voice : …
21. Active Voice : We have tried this game last Sunday. Passive voice : …
22. Active Voice : Indana was listening music at 7 o’clock last night. Passive voice : …
23. Active Voice : They had invented something in our land. Passive voice : …
24. Active Voice : Yusuf will take fruit tomorrow. Passive voice : …
25. Active Voice : You were pulling this door last night at 8 o’clock. Passive voice : …
26. Active Voice : Syahriansyah has read my book last time. Passive voice : …
27. Active Voice : Aminah will cry her activity next hours. Passive voice : …
28. Active Voice :They are discussing something in front of us. Passive voice: …
29. Active Voice : Soldiers will not say something behind us. Passive voice : …
30. Active Voice : Ridwan have drawn house in New York City. Passive voice : …
Baca Juga
1. 20 Contoh Soal Passive Voice Simple Present Pilihan Ganda
2. Contoh Soal Passive Voice Simple Past Pilihan Ganda
Kunci Jawaban 30 Soal Essay Passive Voice sebagai berikut :
1. Is bought
2. Is given
3. Is washed
4. Japan music is being listened by Tiago
5. Flower is resembled by Farikha with this actress
6. Your house was painted by Wildan yesterday
7. He would be attacked by disease
8. Your motorcycle had been repaired by Rudy
9. Unique jacket is worn by Aminah.
10. A good bag have been brought by Indana
11. Netherland soldiers will be killed by You and I
12. A flower was given by Rahma Farida to me in front of this class
13. Juliet will be visited by Romeo next week.
14. A good song was being listened by Narendra yesterday morning
15. The door was pulled by Lindsay until broken last week
16. The radio is heard by me every night.
17. This movie was seen by us last night at bioscope
18. Badminton will be played by them next week
19. A song is being sung by Samsuri in radio now
20. This ball will be kicked by Rudi tomorrow
21. This game have been tried by us last Sunday
22. Music was being listened by Indana at 7 o’clock last night
23. Something had been invented by them in our land
24. Fruit will be taken by Yusuf tomorrow
25. This door was being pulled by you last night at 8 o’clock
26. My book has been read by Syahriansyah last time
27. Her activity will be cried by Aminah next hours
28. Something is being discussed by them in front of us
29. Something will not be said by soldiers behind us
30. House have been drawn by Ridwan in New York City.