
Mode Gelap
Cara Memilih dan Membeli Sisir Rambut di Toko Contoh kalimat percakapan atau dialog di bank untuk penukaran uang Arti Kata Membanguni Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Bangun Menurut KBBI dan Contoh Kalimatnya Arti Kata Bangsi Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Kebangsawanan Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)


30 Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya


30 Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya Perbesar

 Adjective Clause adalah kata hubung di dalam bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan 2 kalimat.seperti Contoh kalimat berikut : Rumah ini sangat besar artinya This house is big. Aminah tinggal di rumah ini artinya Aminah lived in that house maka dua kalimat tersebut bisa digabung menjadi This house in which Ameena lived is very big artinya Rumah yang mana aminah tinggal itu sangat besar.. Which adalah salah satu adjective clause yang berfungsi menggabungkan kalimat. Contoh kalimat adjective clause yang kedua seperti Kota ini sangat terkenal (This city is very famous), Kamu tinggal di sana (You live there). Maka kedua kalimat tersebut bisa digabung dengan adjective clause where menjadi This city where you live is very famous artinya Kota ini dimana kamu tinggal sangat terkenal. karena itu kami sangat menyarankan anda untuk membaca materi di bawah ini terlebih dahulu

1. Contoh Adjective Clause Sebagai Subject, Object, Possessive dan Adverb

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Adjective Clause dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalmat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal tersebut, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus lengkap.


Cara kedua supaya bisa mengerjakan soal Adjective Clause dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Adjective Clause di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Adjective Clause akan lebih mahir.

contoh soal adjective clause pilihan ganda dan jawabannya
Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal adjective clause dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, adapun kunci jawaban dari soal berada di akhir soal. Apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan silahkan tulis di kolom komentar di bawah atau melalui laman kontak.


1. Fadlan is handsome, I love him very much.

a. Fadlan which I love very much is handsome

b. Fadlan whom I love very much is handsome

c. Fadlan whose I love very much is handsome

d. Fadlan in which I love very much is handsome

2. This house is very big, Ameena lived in that place.

a. This house whose Ameena lived is very big.

b. This house in where Ameena lived is very big

c. This house in which Ameena lived is very big

d. This house whom Ameena lived is very big

3. Saturday is a day, Baidlowi will come at that time.

a. Saturday is a day at when Baidlowi will come at that time

b. Saturday is a day at which Baidlowi will come at that time

c. Saturday is a day at whom Baidlowi will come at that time

d. Saturday is a day which Baidlowi will come at that time

4. Toldo loved a girls, She uses a red skirts.

a. Toldo loved a girls whose uses a red skirts

b. Toldo loved a girls which uses a red skirts

c. Toldo loved a girls whom uses a red skirts

d. Toldo loved a girls in which uses a red skirts

5. Someone makes me happy, she is my mother.

a. Someone whose makes me happy is my mother

b. Someone in which makes me happy is my mother

c. Someone which makes me happy is my mother

d. Someone whom makes me happy is my mother

6. Sandi has 5 brothers, 3 of their bags were lost.

a. Sandi has 5 brothers, 3 of in which bags were lost.

b. Sandi has 5 brothers, 3 of which bags were lost.

c. Sandi has 5 brothers, 3 of when bags were lost.

d. Sandi has 5 brothers, 3 of whom bags were lost.

7. The teacher has many motors, He is very famous.

a. The teacher which has many motors is very famous

b. The teacher who has many motors is very famous

c. The teacher in which has many motors is very famous

d. The teacher whose has many motors is very famous

8. This motorcycle is new, Toni rent it last year.

a. This motorcycle which Toni rent last year is new

b. This motorcycle whom Toni rent last year is new

c. This motorcycle whose Toni rent last year is new

d. This motorcycle where Toni rent last year is new

9. This city is very famous, You live there.

a. This city why you live is very famous

b. This city whom you live is very famous

c. This city whose you live is very famous

d. This city where you live is very famous

10. Thoyyib is smart student, Abdullah look for her.

a. Thoyyib is smart student whom abdullah look for

b. Thoyyib is smart student in which abdullah look for

c. Thoyyib is smart student whose abdullah look for

d. Thoyyib is smart student in whom abdullah look for

11. My father lives in a big house, its wall is painted by my friend

a. My father lives in a big house which walls is painted by my friend

b. My father lives in a big house whose walls is painted by my friend

c. My father lives in a big house when walls is painted by my friend

d. My father lives in a big house in which walls is painted by my friend

12. The police catched the robber, He wore a red hat.

a. The police catched the robber when wore a red hat

b. The police catched the robber whose wore a red hat

c. The police catched the robber who wore a red hat

d. The police catched the robber which wore a red hat

13. IKIM fm gave me a good advice, I will never forget it.

a. IKIM fm gave me a good whose advice I will never forget

b. IKIM fm gave me a good advice which I will never forget

c. IKIM fm gave me a good advice who I will never forget

d. IKIM fm gave me a good advice where i will never forget

14. God has created us, we will come back to him.

a. God, which we will come back to has created us

b. God, to whose we will come back has created us

c. God, to which we will come back has created us

d. God, to whom we will come back has created us

15. Tamara is very kind, Samsul likes the best of her skill

a. Tamara the best of whom skill Samsul likes is very kind

b. Tamara the best of which skill Samsul likes is very kind

c. Tamara the best of why skill Samsul likes is very kind

d. Tamara the best of when skill Samsul likes is very kind

16. Many girls called me, some of them bring bag.

a. Many girls, some of which bring bag called me

b. Many girls, some of whom bring bag called me

c. Many girls, some of whose bring bag called me

d. Many girls, some of why bring bag called me

17. Sabrina bought 3 cars, the cheapest of them is green

a. Sabrina bought 3 cars, the cheapest of which is green

b. Sabrina bought 3 cars, the cheapest of whose is green

c. Sabrina bought 3 cars, the cheapest of whom is green

d. Sabrina bought 3 cars, the cheapest of why is green

18. You killed 3 dogs, one of them is mine

a. You killed 3 dogs, one of when is mine

b. You killed 3 dogs, one of whose is mine

c. You killed 3 dogs, one of whom is mine

d. You killed 3 dogs, one of which is mine

19. Diego talked with Rini at hotel, Rini works there

a. Diego talked with Rini at hotel whose Rini works

b. Diego talked with Rini at hotel where Rini works

c. Diego talked with Rini at hotel why Rini works

d. Diego talked with Rini at hotel when Rini works

20. David is repairing motor cycle, Its brand is Honda

a. David is repairing motor cycle who motorcycle brand is Honda

b. David is repairing motor cycle whom motorcycle brand is Honda

c. David is repairing motor cycle which motorcycle brand is Honda

d. David repairing motor cycle in whom motorcycle brand is Honda

21. Thoyyib found the slipper, Indana looked for it.

a. Thoyyib found the slipper whom Indana looked for

b. Thoyyib found the slipper in whom Indana looked for

c. Thoyyib found the slipper which Indana looked for

d. Thoyyib found the slipper who Indana looked for

22. Romeo built a home, Risa painted its door

a. Romeo built a home which door Risa painted

b. Romeo built a home whom door Risa painted

c. Romeo built a home when door Risa painted

d. Romeo built a home why door Risa painted

23. Fatimah is the beautriful girl, I am interested in her.

a. Fatimah is the beautiful girl in wehere I am interested

b. Fatimah is the beautiful girl in whom I am interested

c. Fatimah is the beautiful girl in which I am interested

d. Fatimah is the beautiful girl in whose I am interested

24. This flower is fragrant, I takes it everyday.

a. This flower which everyday i takes, is fragrant

b. This flower where everyday i takes, is fragrant

c. This flower whom everyday i takes, is fragrant

d. This flower why everyday i takes, is fragrant

25. I am waiting her, She is studying in Kediri.

a. I am waiting her when is studying in Kediri

b. I am waiting her who is studying in Kediri

c. I am waiting her which is studying in Kediri

d. I am waiting her why is studying in Kediri

26. Many girls will met me, I loved some of them.

a. Many girls, some of whom I loved will meet me

b. Many girls, some of why I loved will meet me

c. Many girls, some of where I loved will meet me

d. Many girls, some of when I loved will meet me

27. They were planting Tomatoes, its plant was very big.

a. They were planting Tomatoes when plant was very big

b. They were planting Tomatoes who plant was very big

c. They were planting Tomatoes whom plant was very big

d. They were planting Tomatoes which plant was very big

28. Abdullah looked for her love, he left her last year in her village

a. Abdullah looked for her love whom he left last year in her village

b. Abdullah looked for her love which he left last year in her village

c. Abdullah looked for her love where he left last year in her village

d. Abdullah looked for her love in which he left last year in her village

29. Tamara is cleaning the floor, its floor is red.

a. Tamara is cleaning the floor which floor is red.

b. Tamara is cleaning the floor whom floor is red

c. Tamara is cleaning the floor when floor is red

d. Tamara is cleaning the floor in which floor is red

30. I met the beautiful girl in the bank, She used the black clothes yesterday.

a. I met the beautiful girl in the bank which used the black clothes yesterday.

b. I met the beautiful girl in the bank whom used the black clothes yesterday.

c. I met the beautiful girl in the bank whose used the black clothes yesterday.

d. I met the beautiful girl in the bank in which used the black clothes yesterday


Kunci Jawaban Soal Ajective Clause Pilihan Ganda

1. B 6.B 11.A 16.B 21.C 26.A

2. C 7.B 12.C 17.A 22.A 27.C

3. B 8.A 13.B 18.D 23.B 28.A

4. C 9.D 14.D 19.B 24.A 29.A

5. D 10.B 15.A 20.C 25.B 30.B

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