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UIN Surakarta Female Lecturer Killed by Construction Worker


Mrs. Wahyu Dian Silviani, a lecturer at UIN Raden Mas Said, died at a friend’s house. Firstly, The victim was found by a neighbor who tried to call the victim but there was no answer from the victim. After the victim was found, the victim’s neighbors reported the incident to the police and the police conducted a TKP investigation and searched for the suspect. Several days continued and the police managed to find and arrest the perpetrators. 

The perpetrator was a construction worker who worked at the victim’s house to build and repair a new victim’s house. The perpetrator was named Dwi Feriyanto, 23 years old, a resident of Tempel village, Gatak sub-district, Sukoharjo district.

UIN Surakarta Female Lecturer Killed by Construction Worker

When investigated by the police, the building worker said that he was called an idiot, his work was amateurish by the lecturer, which hurt him, so he planned to kill Ms. Silviani, a lecturer at UIN Surakarta, on Wednesday, August 23, 2023.

However, this motive is still being investigated because apart from killing the perpetrators of the crime, they also stole the victim’s valuables such as cell phones and laptops as well as money. One of the victim’s relatives who accompanied the victim to visit the house being repaired, denied that the deceased had said that, instead the deceased said “thank you” to the builders who were repairing the house.

The victim who had been killed by the perpetrator was then given a mattress on top of it, the perpetrator then left through the front door by jumping over the fence of the house, to remove traces of the perpetrator throwing the knife used to kill in Gatak River and burning his clothes in the rice fields area.

After Dian’s post-mortem was carried out, it was handed over to the family to pray for and brought to Mataram to be buried in the burial area. Because the perpetrator named Dwi Feriyanto had committed the crime of premeditated murder against Dian’s mother, he could be subject to Article 340 of the Criminal Code or Article 365 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code. with a maximum threat of the death penalty.

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