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The 2023 Iraw Tengkayu Festival Cultural Parade XII, was attended by thousands of participants


 On October 7, 2023, the XII Iraw Tengkayu Festival Cultural Parade in Tarakan City took place lively and successfully. The parade was attended by hundreds of participants both on foot and on floats and involved more than 7,500 residents from various agencies, associations, civil society organizations, communities, and schools.

The definition of Iraw Tengkayu is a traditional ceremony and competition held by the Tidung Tribe community in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan Province. This festival takes the form of a ritual ceremony of throwing offerings into the sea and various kinds of competitions. The festival is held every 2 years and coincides with the anniversary of Tarakan City. Iraw means celebration or party, while Tengkayu means small island surrounded by sea. What is meant by a small island here is Tarakan Island.

The 2023 Iraw Tengkayu Festival Cultural Parade XII, was attended by thousands of participants

The Mayor launched the 2023 Iraw Tengkayu XII Festival cultural parade activities

Participants in the Iraw Tengkayu XII parade were released by the Mayor of Tarakan, Dr. H. Khairul, M.Kes., together with the Deputy Mayor (Mr. Efendi), elements of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and Forkopimda on Saturday, October 7 2023, at the Main Stage on Jalan Pulau Sumatra, starting with the Padaw Tuju Dulung procession which is planned to be held in Tarakan waters on October 8 2023 in the Ratu Intan Area of Amal Beach.

The 2023 Iraw Tengkayu Festival Cultural Parade XII, was attended by thousands of participants
Padaw Tuju Dulung Boat paraded during the XII Iraw Tengkayu Festival Cultural Parade

The Mayor appreciated the organization of Iraw Tengkayu XII. He expressed his gratitude for the participation of all parties so that this parade could be held with great fanfare and enjoyed by the public. He said that the Iraw Tengkayu ministry and the Mayor also stated that in the future the Tarakan City Government plans to make this festival a more colossal event.

The following is documentation of Iraw Tengkayu XII activities which were successfully held.

The 2023 Iraw Tengkayu Festival Cultural Parade XII, was attended by thousands of participants

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