On November 16, 2023, a socialization activity regarding ASN Neutrality was held in the meeting room of the Kediri City Trade and Industry Office. The socialization activity began with reading prayers and remarks from the service secretary, Mrs. Tintawati, then continued with the delivery of material by Mr. Heri from the Kediri City resort police about being wise in using social media to maintain ASN neutrality in the 2024 elections and continued by ladies and gentlemen from Kediri city prosecutor who conveyed the neutrality of ASN in the 2024 elections.
The activity took place normally and was continued with a question and answer session between the presenters and the dynamic socialization participants. Some of the questions asked were as follows:
1) What is the action of the Indonesian police regarding the installation of billboards outside of campaign time?
Answer: The person who has the authority to remove billboards is SATPOL PP
2) Can ASNs take photos in various styles during the 2024 election campaign?
Answer: ASN must be careful when taking photos, 10 photo styles are prohibited by ASN during the 2024 election campaign.
3) Can ASN take part in recitation activities attended by candidates for people’s representatives?
Answer: Yes, as long as the recitation activity is not a campaign activity
4) What are the sanctions for ASN if they are not neutral during the 2024 election campaign? Have you received criminal sanctions from the prosecutor’s office?
Answer: ASN violations during the 2024 election campaign will be given disciplinary sanctions by applicable BKN regulations, and are not considered criminal acts.