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The Gun Shooting Game At The Pagora Kediri


 The video above is a video taken at the Pagora Kediri tourist spot, where a 5-year-old child is playing with a plastic gun, he has to be able to shoot directly at the circle or picture in front of him, every child who plays with the shooting gun gets 20 plastic bullets to shot towards the image.

The rental fee is around Rp. 10,000, so when all the bullets run out he can’t play anymore and has to rent it again, but for Rp. 10,000 you are satisfied with the gun shooting game.

Apart from the gun shooting game, there are also fishing games, drawing games, and various other interesting rides. The entrance ticket to Pagora Kediri is around IDR 17,000 for adults and IDR 13,000 for small children. You can enjoy various other rides such as swimming in the swimming pool. Swing rides and then see various kinds of animals at the back of the Pagora, Pagora Kediri is open from Monday to Sunday. That’s a short video about playing with plastic guns in Pagora, let’s visit and play in Pagora Kediri,

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