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Feeding chickens and three benefits of keeping it


Feeding chickens is quite a fun and entertaining hobby for everyone. I often feed free-range chickens in the morning as a fun hobby that can be done in the morning. Seeing our pet chickens full and crowing is priceless entertainment. as seen in the video below where we feed the chickens by dividing them in three places so that they don’t fight over each other.

What are the benefits of keeping free-range chickens?

Here are 3 benefits of keeping free-range chickens :

  1. As a source of protein for those who consume it
  2. As entertainment for those who keep it
  3. As additional pocket money for those who intend to sell it.

Free-range chicken meat is meat with fiber that is quite strong and delicious to chew. The price of free-range chicken meat is also higher compared to broiler chicken. Free-range chicken meat can be used as meat for chicken soup, grilled or in satay, or made into meatballs.

Free-range chicken eggs can be additional protein for you, whereas free-range chicken eggs are considered more nutritious than boiler chicken eggs. In Javanese society, free-range chicken eggs are often drunk as a healthy herbal medicine because it is believed that people who drink herbal medicine with raw chicken eggs will be stronger and fitter.

The selling price of free-range chicken eggs is also more expensive than broiler chicken eggs, so keeping free-range chickens can be an option for those of us who want to have a side business at home.

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