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Looking at the prices of meatballs, lontong, and orange ice in Kediri, is it cheap or expensive?


 How much do meatballs, lontong, and orange ice cost in Kediri?

Consuming meatballs and lontong is one of the eating hobbies that is quite popular among the people of Kediri and its surroundings. You can see that on various streets there are busy meatball and pentol sellers that you can visit.

Looking at the prices of meatballs, lontong, and orange ice in Kediri, is it cheap or expensive?

This shows that meatballs are a common and popular culinary dish for Kediri residents. It is recorded in history that since the 16th century, meatballs of culinary origin from China have arrived in Indonesia. The condition of meatball sellers has also become widespread, even in 1985 there was already a barokah meatball seller as a legendary and best-selling meatball seller in the Kediri area.

The following is a list of food and drink prices at meatball stalls in Kediri at the end of 2023:

  1. The price of mixed meatballs per portion is IDR 12,000
  2. The price of rough meatballs is IDR 12,000
  3. Egg meatballs are Rp. 12,000,-
  4. Fried meatballs are Rp. 12,000,-
  5. Lontong is IDR 2,000 per seed
  6. Fried food is IDR 1,000 per seed

The list of drink prices is as follows:

  1. The price of hot tea or cold tea is IDR 3,000
  2. The price of hot oranges or cold oranges is IDR 3,000
  3. The price of Sosro bottled tea is IDR 3,000
  4. The price of bottled mineral water is IDR 3,000
  5. The price of mineral water in a glass is IDR 1,000

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