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What are the 5 types of water in Islamic jurisprudence or law?


 What are the 5 types of water in Islamic jurisprudence or law?

The 5 types of water in Islamic jurisprudence or law are as follows:

  1. Water is holy and can purify
  2. Water is holy but cannot purify
  3. Makruh Water
  4. Musta’mal water
  5. Mutanajis water

The explanation is as follows:

  • Holy water that can purify is also called absolute water, namely pure water that can be used for ablution and washing.
  • Water is holy and does not purify. Water that is holy but cannot be purified because the water has undergone a process of changing color and substances such as tea water, milk water, and coffee water.
  • Makruh water is water that becomes hot due to exposure to sunlight. Makruh water is not legal to use for ablution but is permitted for washing clothes and cooking utensils.
  • Musta’mal water is holy water whose quantity does not meet the quantity needed to clean or purify the body.
  • Mutanajis water is unclean water, even if the amount is less than two kullah (216 liters), mutanajis water is impure and cannot purify.

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