Mention the 3 types of najis according to Fiqh scholars and explain them!
Following are the 3 types of najis according to Fiqh scholars and their explanations:
- Najis Mukhoffafah
- Najis Mutawasithoh
- Najis Mugholadhoh
The explanation is as follows:
1) Najis Mukhoffafah is light najis, Najis mukhoffafah is like the urine of a baby boy who is not yet 2 years old and has never eaten anything except his mother’s milk.
2) Najis Mutawasithoh is the mid-range uncleanness between mukhoffafah uncleanness and mugholadhoh uncleanliness, Najis Mutawasithoh is like dirt that comes out of the Kabul (penis) and anus of humans or animals, intoxicating liquids.
Najis Mutawasithoh is divided into two types, namely najis ainiyah and najis hukmiyah. najis ainiyah is a tangible najis that can be seen by the eye
Najis Hukmiyah is a najis that cannot be seen, such as traces of urine or spilled dried liquor.
3) Najis Mugholadhoh is heavy najis, najis mugholadhoh is like the saliva of dogs and pigs. If a piece of clothing gets najis mugholadhoh then the way to purify it is to wash it 7 times and one of them is mixed with soil.