How do you remove (purify) najis or uncleanness from your body and clothes?
Any impurity that comes into contact with the human body or clothing must be cleaned and removed using a method by Islamic law. There are 3 types of impurity and the method for removing (purifying) najis or uncleanness is as follows
- Najis Mukhoffafah or light uncleanness, such as the urine of a baby boy who is not yet 2 years old and only drinks his mother’s milk, the way to get rid of it is by rinsing it until it is clean and there is no smell.
- Najis Mutawasithoh or Middle unclean is like animal waste, human urine, so the way to remove it is by dousing it with water until the smell and taste of the unclean disappear.
- Najis Mugholladhoho or heavy uncleanness like dog saliva, the way to get rid of heavy uncleanness or mugholladhoh is to wash it 7 times and one of them must be mixed with soil.