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An Nazi’at Ayat 28 Latin, Tafsir dan Artinya Biaya kuliah S2 di Uniska Kediri 2025 An Nazi’at Ayat 27 Latin, Tafsir dan Artinya An Nazi’at Ayat 26 Latin, Tafsir dan Artinya Arti Kata Bainah Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Bain Menurut KBBI dan Contoh Kalimatnya


What are three types of symbiosis of living things? Give examples and explanations!


What are three types of symbiosis of living things? Give examples and explanations!

What are three types of symbiosis of living things? Give examples and explanations!

The 3 types of symbiosis in living things are mutualism symbiosis, parasitism symbiosis, and commensalism symbiosis. The Explanation is as follows:

  1. Mutualistic symbiosis is an interaction between living things that is mutually beneficial, for example, the interaction between flowers and bees where the bees suck honey from the flowers so that pollination occurs, the bees get the honey and the flowers can be pollinated to reproduce.
  2. Parasitic symbiosis is a relationship between living things where one benefits and the other is harmed, an example of parasitic symbiosis is the interaction between mistletoe and a mango tree, where the parasite gets its life from the mango tree it infests while the mango tree eventually dies because its essence is sucked out by parasite.
  3. Commensalism symbiosis is an interaction between living creatures, where one party benefits while the other party is not affected. An example of commensalism symbiosis is the relationship between flatworms and crabs where the flatworms get a food source when attached to the crab and get physical protection from predators. Meanwhile, crabs are not harmed by the presence of flatworms attached to their bodies.

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