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An example of a conversation or dialogue sentence at the bank


Here is an example of a conversation or dialogue sentence at the bank for exchanging money in Indonesian,
Customer: “Excuse me, I want to ask if I can exchange money at Bank Jatim for Eid?”
Customer Service: “I apologize in advance, for 2025, Bank Jatim does not serve new money exchanges, but you can exchange money at Bank Indonesia through the application”.
Customer: “How do I exchange money through the application, sir?”
Customer Service: Follow these steps to exchange money in the application.
Open via a cellphone or computer.
After entering the site, select the “Rupiah Money Exchange Through Mobile Cash” menu.
Select the province and city where you want to make the exchange.
Select the date and time that are still available at the location.
Enter your name, KTP NIK, and active cellphone number.
Select the amount and denomination of money you want to exchange.
After the order is successful, the system will issue an order code and QR Code. Save this proof in digital or printed format as a confirmation.
On the day of the exchange, come to the selected location.
Bring the original KTP and proof of order in printed or digital form.
Submit the money to be exchanged to the BI officer.
After the verification process is complete, you will receive new money according to your order. ”
Customer Service: “That’s the brief information about exchanging money at Bank Indonesia, Is the information clear?”
Customer: “Thank you, sir, for explaining the information, The information you provided is clear, so money exchange is only available at Indonesia Bank, sir?”
Customer Service: “Yes, ma’am!”
Customer: “Thank you, sir, for the information.”
Thus, in a short article about examples of conversation sentences or dialogues at the bank for exchanging money, you can search for other language materials by typing the search keyword in the search box on the website.

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