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20 Example sentences using the word fluid and Its definition


What does the word fluid mean?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, in the noun form, the definition of fluid is a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas, or (especially) a liquid.
In the adjective form, the definition of fluid is a (of a substance) able to flow easily.
The following are 20 example sentences using the word fluid. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below :

  1. His body was shivering due to a lack of fluids.
  2. Check your car’s lubricant before driving.
  3. His IV fluids had decreased a lot.
  4. Although cacti live in arid areas, their bodies contain a lot of fluids.
  5. We were taught the types of fluids by our teacher.
  6. He asked why yellow fluid came out of his genitals.
  7. According to experts, adult male fluids can be improved by eating bananas.
  8. Lecturers from FMIPA UGM have explained the dangers of the fluids used by silver humans.
  9. The police have investigated the fluids found at the location of the Jembrana regent’s death.
  10. We saw a video explaining the fluids found in the lungs.
  11. Alcoholic fluids as painkillers are hoax news.
  12. Students are socializing the use of multipurpose fluids to the public.
  13. Drinking eight glasses of water at night can maintain body fluids.
  14. Where does snot come from when we have the flu?
  15. Abnormal vaginal discharge indicates a disease suffered by the patient.
  16. After his mouth discharged fluid, he was then taken to the hospital.
  17. Hong Kong Airport no longer requires removing electronic equipment and fluids when boarding an airplane.
  18. The body found on the Banyuasri sidewalk was leaking fluid and blood from the mouth.
  19. Indra Bekti has been fitted with a device to remove fluid from the brain.
  20. The UI student who died in his boarding room was found swollen and leaking fluid.

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