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22 Example sentences with the word match Arti Kata Membangkitkan Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Terbangkit Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Contoh kalimat peribahasa dengan kata membangkit Arti Kata Membangkit Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Bangkit Hatinya Menurut KBBI


22 Example sentences with the word match


What does the word match mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, The definition of match is a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport, a person or thing able to contend with another as an equal in quality or strength.

In the verb form, The definition of prostrate is correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect; make or be harmonious. Be equal to (something) in quality or strength.

Here are 22 example sentences with the word match, you can search for other materials by typing the search keyword in the search box on the website.

  1. This is a magnificent match.
  2. Last night’s football match was exciting.
  3. Prepare yourself mentally to face the match next month!
  4. Don’t let me go to face the match alone.
  5. If the match is held in Indonesia, it is likely that many spectators will visit the stadium.
  6. I prefer it if the football match is held in the morning.
  7. Hopefully, the referee who leads the match tonight is fair.
  8. Last night’s football match ended in chaos and resulted in casualties on both sides.
  9. The use of tear gas in football matches is prohibited by FIFA.
  10. I will watch the Indonesian National Team match.
  11. For example, numbers 11 to 22 are on the second page.
  12. The Indonesian National Team match is held at night.
  13. Tickets for the match have been sold online.
  14. Last night’s football match was won by the home team.
  15. Hopefully, the Indonesian National Team can win next month’s match.
  16. I stayed up late so I could watch the football match tonight.
  17. You can see the 2012-2025 football match schedule online on the internet.
  18. Alisson set an extraordinary record in the match against Paris Saint Germain.
  19. The results of last night’s match showed Barcelona and Liverpool winning dramatically.
  20. Tickets for the Indonesian National Team match against Bahrain have been declared sold out.
  21. The Bekasi flood caused the football team’s match to be postponed.
  22. The English Football Association allows players to break their fast in the middle of matches during the month of Ramadan.

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