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15 Example sentences using the word prostrate


What does the word prostrate mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the adjective form, The definition of prostrate is lying stretched out on the ground with one’s face downward.

In the verb form, The definition of prostrate is to lay oneself flat on the ground face downward, especially in reverence or submission, (of distressexhaustion, or illness) to reduce (someone) to extreme physical weakness.

The following are 15 example sentences using the word prostrate. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. ‘On the streets, I once walked dead bodies lay prostrate and forgotten
  2. Salah scores a super goal against Juve and falls prostrate 
  3. Manmolestswoman during an argument, makes herprostrateand apologizes in Nagpur
  4. Could you teach me how to prostrate properly?
  5. Gay convicts prostrate themselves in gratitude and have been mixed 77 times.
  6. National team coach Indra Sjafri immediately prostrated in gratitude when his team was able to win the AFF Cup.
  7. Please accept my prostate, O my Lord!
  8. A pedicab driver who usually visited the Sunan Bonang grave died in a prostrate position.
  9. Brother in Tuban was found dead in a prostrate position in the afternoon market area.
  10. A vegetable seller prostrates himself after his lawsuit worth 540 million rupiah was withdrawn.
  11. Thank God I can still prostrate calmly.
  12. I will do a prostrate of gratitude after the announcement of employee recruitment.
  13. Sri Ramakrishna Hospital launches digital flipbooks on common cancers and free prostrate screening.
  14. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to undergo prostrate removal surgery.
  15. The Usilampatti town police on Saturday booked six caste Hindus on charges of forcing an SC teenager to prostrate before them on January 16.


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