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20 Example sentences using the word sale


What does the word sale mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, The definition of a sale is the exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something, a period during which a retailer sells goods at reduced prices.

The following are 20 example sentences using the word sale. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. Their motors are for sale at reasonable prices.
  2. Hopefully, your sales will increase next year.
  3. We did not expect that the sales target would not be achieved.
  4. We will try to increase sales with the help of digital marketing.
  5. The forecast results predict that sales will increase.
  6. They are happy with the sales predictions that continue to rise. Example sentences with the word sales.
  7. I did not expect that the sales trend would continue to decline from year to year.
  8. Your method is very suitable for increasing sales.
  9. The sale of raw materials from Indonesia abroad can benefit the country of Indonesia.
  10. The sale of goods from China will be restricted by the government.
  11. They will manage all forms of sales through digital applications.
  12. Don’t let the sales you make not be accompanied by good intentions. Example sentences with the word sales.
  13. They can go on the hajj from the proceeds of the sale of cows.
  14. I’m not sure if your chicken sales have increased from the previous year.
  15. Car sales in Indonesia will drop 11% to 61,000 units in 2025.
  16. Car sales are still challenging in 2025.
  17. We are looking for motorcycle sales data trends in the East Java province.
  18. Hyundai car sales skyrocketed 15% in the United States during January 2025.
  19. Tesla car sales experienced a significant decline in 2025.
  20. The decline in Tesla car sales was caused by Elon Musk’s political maneuvers which made consumers run away and not buy.

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