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20 Example sentences using the word reward


What does the word reward mean?

In the noun form, The definition of reward is a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement.

In verb form, the definition of reward is to make a gift of something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or achievements.

The following are 20 example sentences using the word reward. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. I want to work without reward.
  2. Action Society’s fighting spirit reaps reward as axe murderer receives life sentence.
  3. Dutch court sentences ex-Pakistani cricketer to 12 years over reward for death of far-right lawmaker.
  4. We will accept any reward you give.
  5. The United States announced a reward of 159 billion rupiah to capture a hacker from China named Guan Tian Feng.
  6. Rizky Febian announced that he would provide a reward for anyone who found his lost cell phone.
  7. Yahya Sinwar has been hunted by Israel for a long time with the announcement of a reward of 6.4 billion rupiah.
  8. Don’t expect excessive reward!
  9. He gave a reward of IDR 50,000 to the victim.
  10. The holiday was a reward for 30 years of service with my company.
  11. He emphasized that there is no reward for those who enter the company.
  12. Because they received rewards, individuals from the Ministry of Communication allowed online gambling sites to operate.
  13. The fund balance-generating application provides a free reward of IDR 100,000 to an electronic wallet.
  14. Russia will supply air defense missiles to North Korea in reward for sending troops.
  15. You will receive a reward in the form of salary and accommodation while working there.
  16. The United States accused satellite cooperation as a reward from Russia for North Korea sending troops.
  17. Dutch Public Prosecution Service demands a 12-year prison sentence for issuing a reward for the murder of Wilders.
  18. Ukraine is ready to supply coal to Moldova in reward for electricity.
  19. I got this chicken reward when I worked there.
  20. According to the coordinating minister for political, legal, and security affairs, the KKB did not ask for a reward for the release of hostage Philip Mehrtens.

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