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22 Example sentences using the word parking lot


What does the word parking lot mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, The definition of a parking lot is an area where cars or other vehicles may be left temporarily.

The following are 22 example sentences using the word parking lot. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. We have put our helmets in the parking lot.
  2. Officers are guarding the parking lot.
  3. The police have arrested a motorcycle theft perpetrator who moved a motorbike in the parking lot.
  4. Please show me the nearest parking lot.
  5. I have left my motorbike in the parking lot.
  6. Don’t look for a parking lot far from the event venue.
  7. Alhamdulillah I have found a suitable parking lot.
  8. Not many vehicles were found in the parking lot.
  9. Traders are allowed to sell in the parking lot.
  10. You will not get wet from the rain when you take shelter in the parking lot.
  11. The BPK has found problems in the construction project for the Banggai Regent’s office parking lot in Central Sulawesi.
  12. Road markings are very important for an orderly parking lot.
  13. They will create a motorcycle parking lot business.
  14. From the results of the parking lot business, he can go on the pilgrimage to Mecca.
  15. Don’t let us fight in the parking lot later.
  16. The exhibition location is not far from the vehicle parking lot.
  17. The invited artists have arrived at the parking lot.
  18. We did not expect the motorcycle parking lot to be full.
  19. Flood water could not inundate the parking lot.
  20. Hundreds of motorcycles were submerged in the flood in the parking lot next to the Gandaria City Mall.
  21. Two cats are fighting in the parking lot.
  22. A bus with an excessive capacity was found during a raid at the Bung Karno Blitar tomb parking lot.


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