What does the word practice mean?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, The definition of practice /ˈpraktəs/ is the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it, The customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing of something.
In the verb form, The definition of practice /ˈpraktəs/ is perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency, carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly.
The following are 22 example sentences using the word practice. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the khoiri.com search mark.
- Mrs. Anisa will open a skin care practice in her village
- What time does the massage practice open? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word practice.
- I usually go to Dr. Andika’s practice. Examples of sentences with the word practice.
- The practice’s opening hours are listed on the notice board. Examples of sentences with the word practice.
- If he doesn’t practice, he will go on a trip.
- We are required to take part in internships before taking our thesis on campus.
- We will do our internship at PT PAL Surabaya.
- He didn’t know that he was falling in love with a female student who was doing internships.
- The theory is easy but the practice is very difficult.
- Karmila tries to use the equipment for internships
- Don’t let them be unable to open a practice.
- Students in grades 1 and 2 will take a practical exam next semester!
- In the practical exam, you must be enthusiastic about working on the practice questions.
- Practicing reciting the Koran in front of the class trains students’ patience and skills.
- Dozens of students are already queuing at the practice site.
- Don’t let them not be able to take the practical exam!
- Try showing us the location of Dr. Adnan’s new practice.
- You can go to Dr. Adnan’s practice using the Google Maps guide.
- Kartika said that the theory is easy but the practice is very difficult.
- We will hold a Thanksgiving if our child passes the practical exam.
- The practical exam fee is around IDR 200,000.
- The computer practical exam will be held on Friday after Friday prayers.
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