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25 Example sentences using the word whiteboard


What does the word whiteboard mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, The definition of whiteboard /ˈ(h)wītˌbôrd/ is a wipeable board with a white surface used for teaching or presentations.

The following are 25 example sentences using the word whiteboard. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. The number of votes for the class president and vice president was written on the whiteboard.
  2. What brand of whiteboard is used in your school? Example of interrogative sentences with the word whiteboard.
  3. Katrina was told by her teacher to sing in front of the whiteboard.
  4. We visited a whiteboard shop yesterday afternoon.
  5. The gecko walked on the classroom whiteboard.
  6. The teacher told me to erase the writing on the whiteboard.
  7. There are hundreds of whiteboards ready to be used.
  8. They took a photo of the whiteboard in front of the class.
  9. 4 students were assigned to install the whiteboard in the classroom.
  10. I want to borrow your whiteboard to study math.
  11. Can we borrow a whiteboard from the school library? Example of interrogative sentences with the word whiteboard.
  12. You are allowed to borrow a whiteboard from the school library when you have a library membership card.
  13. We, together with our friends, will buy a whiteboard at the marketplace.
  14. The whiteboard you borrow must be returned after one week.
  15. He slipped Rp100,000 on the classroom whiteboard.
  16. When he read the material on the whiteboard he felt sleepy.
  17. Katrina is writing the hijaiyah letters on the whiteboard.
  18. Her head bleeds when it hits the whiteboard.
  19. The mini whiteboard is suitable for use as a learning medium.
  20. The teacher told us to erase the writing on the whiteboard.
  21. Andika was punished by standing in front of the class whiteboard. Example sentences with the word blackboard in Indonesian.
  22. We have to buy a whiteboard for learning activities at school.
  23. We bought a whiteboard with pictures for our children at the Gramedia store.
  24. Give them the Iqro whiteboard when they are still small to learn to read the hijaiyah letters.
  25. The whiteboard in front of the class is decades old.

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