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Example sentences using the word written


What does the word lurk mean?

The three forms of the verb “write” are base form: “write” Past tense: “wrote” Past participle: “written”

The following are 20 example sentences using the word written. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. I saw this writing written by them using gold ink.
  2. We know that this book was created and written by him on Annisa’s laptop.
  3. Did you know that this letter was written using gold ink?
  4. The mother present told me that my name was written on the certificate.
  5. We understand that the Koran was written in Arabic.
  6. I am glad to see this question written in Indonesian and translated.
  7. Can you read articles written in English?
  8. No, I can’t read articles written in Russian.
  9. I want your questions to be written in English so that they can be understood by all people in the world.
  10. Arabic is written from right to left.
  11. English is written from left to right.
  12. Why is Arabic written from right to left?
  13. I noticed that the walls of Sarah’s house had beautiful calligraphy written on them.
  14. Abdullah knows that your name is written using yellow gold ink.
  15. Ria didn’t know that this message was written by them using the best printer machine available.
  16. I hope that your news is written truly by them.
  17. We know and understand that the message you sent was written honestly by them.
  18. Mrs. Fariha told me that her order had been written and sent to the buyer.
  19. Do you know that the product brands here are written in black ink?
  20. We love reading websites written in German.

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