What does the word supervisor mean?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, The definition of supervisor /ˈso͞opərˌvīzər/ is a person who supervises a person or an activity.
The following are 25 example sentences using the word supervisor. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the khoiri.com search mark.
- He was assigned as a madrasah supervisor.
- I’m afraid the exam supervisor will find out if I cheated.
- What is the name of the supervisor who will supervise the exam later? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
- Alexander Sabar is a digital room supervisor at the latest Indonesian Ministry of Digital.
- The Election Supervisory Agency emphasized that supervisors should not leave the TPS during the vote counting.
- We are happy to meet the exam supervisor before the exam is held
- The supervisor sitting in front of you is my neighbor
- Mrs. Anisa is assigned as the exam supervisor next Monday
- Don’t let the supervisor find out what we are doing
- We will provide newspapers and drinks on the supervisor’s table
- School supervisors must have professional principles in their activities.
- Mr. Ahmad has been a school supervisor for more than 9 years.
- Thousands of supervisors will be assigned to supervise the voting process on Wednesday, the next day.
- What is the name of the major that must be taken when we want to become a school supervisor? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
- You can choose a major in the faculty of education to become a school supervisor.
- We are supervisors for our students. Examples of sentences with the word supervisor.
- How much is the salary of a supervisor in Kediri district? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
- The salary of a madrasah supervisor is more than enough to live in Kediri.
- Will they open training for supervisors in the city of Surabaya? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
- They are teaching art supervisors to teach with love.
- Will supervisors get a pension in the future?
- Several exemplary supervisors were chosen by the mayor to become ambassadors for the city government.
- Becoming a supervisor is a noble ideal for the people of Indonesia.
- We are not sure if school supervisors are paid below the minimum wage.
- Please tell us about the supervisor you met yesterday!