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25 Example sentences using the word supervisor


What does the word supervisor mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, The definition of supervisor /ˈso͞opərˌvīzər/ is a person who supervises a person or an activity.

The following are 25 example sentences using the word supervisor. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. He was assigned as a madrasah supervisor.
  2. I’m afraid the exam supervisor will find out if I cheated.
  3. What is the name of the supervisor who will supervise the exam later? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
  4. Alexander Sabar is a digital room supervisor at the latest Indonesian Ministry of Digital.
  5. The Election Supervisory Agency emphasized that supervisors should not leave the TPS during the vote counting.
  6. We are happy to meet the exam supervisor before the exam is held
  7. The supervisor sitting in front of you is my neighbor
  8. Mrs. Anisa is assigned as the exam supervisor next Monday
  9. Don’t let the supervisor find out what we are doing
  10. We will provide newspapers and drinks on the supervisor’s table
  11. School supervisors must have professional principles in their activities.
  12. Mr. Ahmad has been a school supervisor for more than 9 years.
  13. Thousands of supervisors will be assigned to supervise the voting process on Wednesday, the next day.
  14. What is the name of the major that must be taken when we want to become a school supervisor? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
  15. You can choose a major in the faculty of education to become a school supervisor.
  16. We are supervisors for our students. Examples of sentences with the word supervisor.
  17. How much is the salary of a supervisor in Kediri district? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
  18. The salary of a madrasah supervisor is more than enough to live in Kediri.
  19. Will they open training for supervisors in the city of Surabaya? Examples of interrogative sentences with the word supervisor.
  20. They are teaching art supervisors to teach with love.
  21. Will supervisors get a pension in the future?
  22. Several exemplary supervisors were chosen by the mayor to become ambassadors for the city government.
  23. Becoming a supervisor is a noble ideal for the people of Indonesia.
  24. We are not sure if school supervisors are paid below the minimum wage.
  25. Please tell us about the supervisor you met yesterday!

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