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Example sentences using the word servant


What does the word servant mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of servant /ˈsərvənt/ is a person who performs duties for others, especially a person employed in a house on domestic duties or as a personal attendant.

The following are 15 example sentences using the word servant. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. Abdullah has the characteristics of a pious servant.
  2. Don’t be a servant who is brave to his master.
  3. The material on being a complete servant will be taught next Sunday.
  4. Dian is interested in being your servant.
  5. Those who dare to free servants will get great rewards from Allah SWT.
  6. I have never aspired to be a servant in a foreign country.
  7. Mr. Budi said that we should not be servants to foreign citizens.
  8. Be a servant of Allah SWT who is good at being grateful.
  9. According to him, good servants are those who obey the word of Allah and patiently endure suffering.
  10. The candidate for regent promised to pay attention to the church and servants of God.
  11. He said that the servant had been raped by his employer since childhood until he was pregnant.
  12. The National Nutrition Agency said that the servant of God would fund the free nutritious meal trial at Rp. 900 million per month.
  13. Mr. Ustadz said that God would not burden his servants beyond their ability.
  14. In routine worship activities, the Servant of God reminded the people’s representatives to keep their campaign promises.
  15. Isro’ and mi’roj activities will be a momentum for self-reflection in order to become a better servant of Allah SWT.

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