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Example sentences using the word autodidact


What does the word autodidact mean?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of autodidact /ˌôdəˈdīˌdak(t),ˌädəˈdīˌdak(t)/ is a self-taught person.
The following are 17 example sentences using the word autodidact. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. Eka learned English autodidact.
  2. Even though you are an autodidact, you should find a teacher.
  3. I will write the word autodidact in your notebook.
  4. You can master this building science autodidact.
  5. It is not a mistake to learn an autodidact of a foreign language.
  6. You can learn new things quickly and autodidact.
  7. Learning a foreign language autodidactis not a mistake.
  8. Benjamin could master a foreign language by learning autodidact on the internet.
  9. Sarah was able to build a nail art business by learning autodidact.
  10. We are reading an article about how to invest in stocks autodidact with children.
  11. Prosecutor Saepul autodidact digitized the evidence management system.
  12. The online gambling suspect in West Jakarta turned out to be a high school graduate and learned hacking autodidact.
  13. The suspect is suspected of making crystal meth autodidact and producing it in Pasuruan.
  14. The Excel 2007 autodidact learning guidebook is selling well on the market.
  15. Diana will buy the key to learning a foreign language autodidact until you are proficient.
  16. We will sell autodidact books on learning English until you are proficient.
  17. Even though he is an autodidact, his knowledge is recognized by the wider community.

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