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23 Example sentences using the word meat


What does the word meat mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, The definition of meat /mēt/ is the flesh of an animal (especially a mammal) as food, food of any kind.

The following are 23 example sentences using the word meat. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. I will eat meat at her house.
  2. In my opinion, She is the best meat seller.
  3. They are trying to sell fresh beef at the market.
  4. Don’t let them eat the deer meat.
  5. Karmila will eat the white coconut meat.
  6. Thank you for giving me 1 kg of beef yesterday.
  7. The committee for the slaughter of sacrificial animals has the right to get the slaughtered meat.
  8. Kartika will sell meat at the market.
  9. Good and fresh meat looks red and tempting.
  10. Don’t eat stale meat.
  11. How many meats do you sell?
  12. We are trying to identify various diseases in the sacrificial meat.
  13. If the selling price of meat decreases, the soto and rawon sellers will be happy.
  14. Mrs. Annisa can go on the hajj from the proceeds of selling meat at the market.
  15. Don’t let the meat of the slaughtered animals be contaminated.
  16. Can you buy beef at the market now? My mother told me to buy meat at Setono Betek Market in Kediri City.
  17. Goat meat is also sold at Kedung Market, Kediri.
  18. The price of goat meat per kilo is around Rp130,000.-
  19. They put the slaughtered animal meat in plastic bags.
  20. Alhamdulillah, I got a package of sacrificial meat from the mosque.
  21. If the meat has rotted, you must throw it in the trash.
  22. Two cats are fighting over meat that has just been slaughtered.
  23. Mrs. Anisa is angry because her chicken meat was taken by a stray dog.

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