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20 Example sentences using the word independent


What does the word independent mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, The definition of independent /ˌindəˈpendənt/ is an independent person or body.

In the adjective form, The definition of independent /ˌindəˈpendənt/ is free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority, not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence.

The following are 20 example sentences using the word independent. You can search for other knowledge by typing queries in the search mark.

  1. Bank Mandiri is opening independent vacancies in 2024 for high school graduates.
  2. The independent village program will be restarted in the era of the latest governor of West Kalimantan.
  3. Both of her children have been living independently since they were little.
  4. My parents taught me to live independently since I was little.
  5. Living independently will make you much more mature.
  6. Don’t let them be unable to be independent in the future.
  7. I agree that the independent village program will be held next year.
  8. The number of independent villages in Indonesia has skyrocketed to 17,203 villages.
  9. I used to study English independently in Kediri.
  10. Even though you study independently, you should be assisted by your teacher.
  11. My younger sibling has entered kindergarten and can tie his shoes independently.
  12. It would help if you were independent when you were an adult.
  13. Since childhood, he has been taught to live independently.
  14. Because he is used to being independent, he is not easily dependent on others.
  15. Indonesia has been independent from colonialism since 1945.
  16. If you are already working, then the opportunity to live independently is open to you.
  17. Our village community independently and voluntarily builds village bridges.
  18. Kartika has an independent nature and can complete her tasks without the help of her parents.
  19. Even though you can live independently, don’t feel arrogant.
  20. According to her, internet services in Indonesia must be carried out independently by the nation itself.

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