- If the selling price of meat decreases, the soto and rawon sellers will be happy artinya Kalau harga jual daging turun, pedagang soto dan rawon senang.
- Mrs. Annisa can go on the hajj from the proceeds of selling meat at the market artinya Ibu Annisa bisa naik haji dari hasil berjualan daging di pasar.
- Don’t let the meat of the slaughtered animals be contaminated artinya Jangan sampai daging hewan yang disembelih tercemar.
- Can you buy beef at the market now? Artinya Dapatkan membeli daging sapi di pasar sekarang?
- My mother told me to buy meat at Setono Betek Market in Kediri City artinya Ibu saya bilang beli daging di Pasar Setono Betek Kota Kediri.
- Goat meat is also sold at Setono Betek Market, Kediri artinya Daging kambing juga dijual di Pasar Setono Betek, Kediri.
- The price of goat meat per kilo is around Rp130,000.- artinya Harga daging kambing per kilo sekitar Rp130.000,-
- They put the slaughtered animal meat in plastic bags artinya Daging hewan yang disembelih dimasukkan ke dalam kantong plastik.
- Alhamdulillah, I got a package of sacrificial meat from the mosque artinya Alhamdulillah dapat daging kurban dari masjid.
- If the meat has rotted, you must throw it in the trash artinya Kalau dagingnya sudah busuk, ya harus dibuang ke tempat sampah.
- Two cats are fighting over meat that has just been slaughtered artinya Dua ekor kucing berebut daging yang baru disembelih.
- Thank you for your meat artinya terima kasih atas daging Anda.
- Mrs. Anisa is angry because her chicken meat was taken by a stray dog artinya Ibu Anisa marah karena daging ayamnya diambil anjing liar.