Berikut adalah 25 contoh kalimat dengan kata furniture di bahasa Inggris nomor 14 sampai dengan 25.
From the proceeds from his furniture sales, he was able to pay for his child’s college education artinya Dari hasil penjualan mebelnya, ia mampu membiayai kuliah anaknya.
Hopefully, you will continue to be enthusiastic in the furniture sector artinya Semoga Anda terus bersemangat di bidang mebel.
- Mr. Subeno is our mainstay furniture craftsman artinya Pak Subeno adalah pengrajin mebel andalan kami.
- He used to be a furniture craftsman before becoming mayor artinya Sebelum menjadi wali kota, beliau dulunya adalah seorang perajin mebel.
- We spent 10 million rupiah to establish a furniture business artinya Kami menghabiskan 10 juta rupiah untuk mendirikan usaha mebel.
- If your table and chair are damaged, you should take them to a trusted furniture near you artinya Jika meja dan kursi Anda rusak, sebaiknya Anda membawanya ke toko mebel terpercaya di dekat Anda.
- Dozens of furniture craftsmen received a windfall from a government project artinya Puluhan perajin mebel mendapat rejeki nomplok dari proyek pemerintah.
- All furniture craftsmen in Kediri City are expected to meet the Mayor on Monday next week artinya Seluruh perajin mebel di Kota Kediri diharapkan bertemu dengan Wali Kota pada hari Senin minggu depan.
- Furniture craftsmen in our area were invited by the American embassy in Jakarta artinya Perajin mebel di daerah kami diundang oleh kedutaan besar Amerika di Jakarta.
- The supply of wood in the forest greatly affects furniture production in our place artinya Ketersediaan kayu di hutan sangat mempengaruhi produksi mebel di tempat kami.
- 10 furniture craftsmen will receive assistance from the city government artinya 10 perajin mebel akan mendapat bantuan dari pemerintah kota.
- Each furniture craftsman will receive assistance in the form of 5 drilling machines artinya Setiap perajin mebel akan mendapat bantuan berupa 5 mesin bor.