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Kediri Pesantren Market Road intersection July 2024


 The video above is a view of the intersection between Jalan Brigjen Ibh Pranoto and Jalan Mauni, Kediri City. This busy road intersection leads to the Pesantren market and Pesantren sugar factory. The video was recorded in July 2024. There you can see a security guard guarding the intersection, directing traffic to flow normally.

It can be seen that the roads have been paved and the shops are actively selling again so life feels busy. As seen in the grocery store that we videoed, a trader was sitting relaxed in front of the terrace talking to his friend while across the road public vehicles such as trucks and two-wheelers were milling about.

This is a short video of the view of the intersection of Jalan Brigjen Katamso and Jalan Mauni, Kediri City Pesantren market in July 2024. If you have a request to record the road to your area, please write in the comments column below.

Hopefully, this short video and short article can cure your longing for your hometown in Kediri, East Java. For those of you who are outside Kediri or outside Java or even outside Indonesia.

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