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10 Things To Consider Before Getting Married In Islam

10 Things To Consider Before Getting Married In Islam

 Getting married is an important step in a person’s life, especially for Muslims. In the Jakarta area, people usually look for Jakarta Wedding Venues / Wedding halls in Jakarta when preparing for their wedding, this is not a problem because it is part of the wedding planning. However, before stepping into the aisle, several things must be considered so that the built household can be sakinah, mawaddah, and wa rahmah. Come on, see 10 things to consider before getting married in Islam:

1. Determine the Purpose of Marriage

Before deciding to get married, first, determine the purpose of your marriage. Is it just to fulfill sexual desires or to form a harmonious family? Setting clear goals will help strengthen the foundation of marriage.

2. Prepare Mentally and Emotionally

Marriage is not a game. Mental and emotional preparation is very important to face all the challenges, conflicts, and responsibilities that will come.

3. Manage Finances Wisely

Before getting married, it is important to plan your finances well. Skills in managing finances will help build a prosperous household life.

4. Build Good Communication

Communication is the main key in a relationship. Before getting married, make sure you and your partner have learned to listen to each other, understand, and respect each other’s opinions.

5. Understand the Role of Husband or Wife

As a Muslim, understand well the role and responsibilities of a husband or wife. Understanding the duties and rights in Islam will help avoid misunderstandings in the future.

6. Match Characters

Understanding your partner’s character is also very important before getting married. Make sure you have the same values, a consistent mindset, and good compatibility to build a harmonious relationshipز

7. Get Parental Blessing

In Islam, asking for blessings and approval from parents is part of the marriage law. Make sure to involve parents in the marriage process to get blessings and approval from them.

8. Together in Religion

Togetherness in religion is very important in living a household life in Islam. Make sure you have the same understanding and religious practices so that you can support each other in strengthening faith and piety.

9. Prepare Mentally to Compromise

Differences of opinion and conflict are normal in a household. Therefore, the ability to compromise and make peace is the key to maintaining a harmonious relationship.

10. Prayer and Surrender

Do not forget to always ask for help and guidance from Allah SWT in every step taken. Prayer and surrender will provide strength and ease in living a married life.

Marriage is a noble gift and worship in Islam. By paying attention to the 10 things above before getting married, it is hoped that the household relationship can be established and full of blessings. May Allah always bestow His grace on every married couple who lives their marriage in His pleasure. Amen.

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