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3 Benefits of Seeing Green Plants for Human Health


 The video above is a view of rice fields in Kudu hamlet, Jantok village, Purwoasri subdistrict, Kediri district in 2024. The video was recorded in June 2024, where the time of the video recording was during the second rice planting season.

You need to know that rice planting is usually done twice a year, so on average farmers will plant rice twice and corn twice. Seeing green plants such as rice fields in the morning will give a special feeling to all of us. Here are 3 benefits of seeing plants with green leaves for humans.

3 Benefits of Seeing Green Plants for Human Health

1) Improve Mental Health

Seeing green, fresh plants and vegetables has been proven to have a positive impact on overall mental health. Seeing green leaves can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress associated with mental disorders.

2) Reduces tired eyes

Looking at cell phones and laptop screens for too long will make our eyes easily tired. Looking at the green leaves in the rice fields can provide a refreshing visual change for the eyes and help reduce eye fatigue.

3) Increase the Feeling of Life

Observing green leaves and nature as a whole can provide a feeling of connection to nature and something greater than oneself. This can improve feelings of life and general well-being.

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