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What are the 4 characteristics that humans have and their explanation?


 What are the 4 characteristics that humans have and their explanation?

The following are 4 characteristics that humans have, namely Phlegmatic, Melancholic, Choleric, and Sanguine.

The explanation is as follows:

  1. Phlegmatics have the following characteristics: peaceful, calm, diplomatic, practical, reliable, and humorous. Meanwhile, the weaknesses of a phlegmatic character are that they like to procrastinate, are indecisive, and are timid.
  2. Melancholy has the character of wanting to appear perfect, analytical, diligent, disciplined, neat, and talented. The weaknesses of a melancholic character are being moody, lacking in society, vengeful, theoretical, and sensitive.
  3. Koleris has characteristics including being a leader, strong-willed, firm, productive, independent, and having a vision. Weaknesses of a choleric nature such as being hasty, cold, angry, sarcastic, and difficult to forgive.
  4. Sanguine has a friendly, warm, enthusiastic, friendly, responsive character and likes to chat. Sanguine’s weaknesses include being careless, unstable, raising problems, untidy, and egocentric.

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