Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh kalimat aktif pasif dengan tenses yang lain, misal dari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple present kemudian ingin mempelajari contoh soal direct indirect, maka bisa melihat pada “Daftar Materi dan Soal Inggris ” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.
Daftar Materi dan Soal Inggris Contoh kalimat buffalo Contoh kalimat buffalo Contoh kalimat buffalo Contoh kalimat box Contoh kalimat boxer Contoh kalimat boxer Nama-nama bulan di bahasa Inggris Nama-nama hari di bahasa Inggris Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Simple Present Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Simple Past Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Present Continuous Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Present Perfect Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Present Perfect Continuous Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Simple Future Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Past Perfect Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Past Perfect Continuous Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Simple Future Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Future Perfect Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Future Continuous Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Future Perfect Continuous Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Past Future Continuous Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Past Future Perfect Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Past Future Perfect Continuous Daftar Soal Bahasa Inggris di Soal Time Pilihan Ganda Soal Family Member (anggota keluarga) Pilihan Ganda Soal Things in the Classroom Latihan Soal Simple Present Pilihan Ganda Soal Simple Present Pilihan Ganda Soal WH Question Essay Soal Simple Present Essay Soal Pronoun Essay Soal Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Transportation Pilihan Ganda Soal Subject Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Object Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Present Continuous Essay Soal Possessive Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Possessive Pronoun Essay Soal Reflexive Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Conditional Sentence Pilihan Ganda Soal Conditional Sentence Essay Soal Reflexive Pronoun Essay Soal Simple Past Pilihan Ganda Soal Simple Past Pilihan Essay Soal Present Perfect Pilihan Ganda Soal Present Perfect Essay Soal Present Perfect continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Present Perfect continuous Essay Soal Past Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda Soal Past Continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Past Continuous Essay Soal Past Perfect Continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Past Perfect Continuous Essay Soal Simple Future Pilihan Ganda Soal Simple Future Essay Soal Gerund Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Essay Soal Passive Voice Simple Present Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Simple Past Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Simple Present Continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Direct Indirect Speech Pilihan Ganda Soal Direct Indirect Speech Essay Soal Passive Voice Toys and Game Pilihan Ganda Soal Clothes Pilihan Ganda Soal Alphabet Pilihan Ganda Contoh Kalimat Rough
Berikut adalah 14 contoh soal transportation pilihan ganda di bahasa Inggris, contoh soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban yang berada di bagian bawah soal namun kami menyarankan kepada anda untuk mengerjakan soal sebisanya baru melihat kunci jawabannya.
Selamat mengerjakan!
1) Benjamin goes to New York city by …
a. train
b. Bus
c. Car
d. Plane
2) What kind of vehicle is this? This is a …
a. Motorcycle
b. Ship
c. Car
d. Boat
3) Look at the picture! It is a …
a. train
b Ship
c. Car
d Canoe
4) My mother goes to the office by …
a. train
b. Ship
c. Car
d. Boat
5) These are vehicles that we use on the land, except…
a. Canoe
b. Bus
c. Car
d. Train
6) These are vehicles that we use on the water, except…
a. Canoe
b. Boat
c. Car
d. Ship
7) These are vehicles that we use on the air, except…
a. Canoe
b. Plane
c. Helicopter
d. Jet plane
8) My teacher goes to his school by …
a. train
b. Bus
c. Car
d. Plane
9) I will go to Java by …
a. train
b. Ship
c. Car
d. Jetplane
10) Look at the picture! It is a …
a. train
b. Ship
c. Car
d. Boat
11) We Will go to Mecca by …
a. Canoe
b. Plane
c. Helicopter
d. Ship
12) What kind of vehicle is this? This is a …
a. Motorcycle
b. Ship
c. Car
d. Canoe
13) Everyday i go to school by…
a. Train
b. Bus
c. Car
d. Boat
14) … Is a traditional transportation.
a. Bicycle
b. Bus
c. Car
d. Jetplane
Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal transportation pilihan ganda di bahasa Inggris,
a. Train c. Car d. Canoe c. Car a. Canoe c. Car a. Canoe b. Bus d. Jetplane a. Train b. Plane a. Motorcycle b. Bus a. Bicycle
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