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6 Steps in teaching children how to wash clothes


 Teaching children how to wash clothes from an early age is very good for their growth because it will stimulate children’s abilities, skills, and emotions. Washing clothes is also one way to divert children’s desire from playing games or other online toys with activities that are more useful for their lives.

Here are 6 steps in teaching children how to wash clothes:

1) Educate your child so that he wants to wash his clothes

Providing education by raising awareness for children at an early age to wash their clothes is a challenge for every parent, you can stimulate him or give him a gift if he wants to wash his clothes, and there are still many tips or ways you can do this.

2) Teach children to separate clothes to be washed

Teaching children to choose which clothes can be washed and which clothes fade when washed will educate them to choose clothes that are good for themselves.

3) Teaching our little ones to soak clothes

Soaking clothes is an activity that must be done before washing or rinsing by hand. You need to teach or educate your child so that he knows when clothes are soaked in detergent, the dirt stuck to the clothes will be easier to clean.

4) Teach children how to rub or brush clothes

You can teach your children directly how to rub or brush clothes by practicing it in front of them, then the little children will see their parents directly and try to imitate what their parents do.

5) Teach children to rinse clothes

After the clothes have been washed or brushed, it is necessary to rinse the clothes,  the clothes that are stained with dirt can fade or the dirt on the clothes can disappear after being washed or brushed.

6) Teach children to dry clothes

The final stage in washing clothes is drying the clothes. This aims to ensure that our clothes are clean but still wet and must be dry so we can use them again.

These are the 6 steps in how to teach small children to wash their clothes. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

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