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What are the 4 interaction patterns of living organisms and their explanations?


 What are the 4 interaction patterns of living organisms and their explanations?

The following are 4 patterns of interaction between living organisms

  1. Neutral
  2. Predation and competition
  3. Symbiosis
  4. Antibiosis
What are the 4 interaction patterns of living organisms and their explanations?

The explanation is as follows :

1) Neutral organism interactions are interaction patterns that do not interfere with each other, do not harm each other, and do not benefit each other. examples of neutral interactions between goats and butterflies, between spiders and pigeons, and between cows and lizards.

2) Interaction of predation and competition organisms. Predation interaction is the relationship between predator and prey, such as a tiger eating a deer or a cat eating a chicken. Competition interaction is competition for rights on the same land, such as mice and grasshoppers competing for rice but mice will not eat grasshoppers and vice versa.

3) Symbiotic interactions are interactions between living things that mutually benefit or harm each other or commensalism, examples of symbiotic interactions such as interactions between butterflies and flowers which are very beneficial, or interactions between mistletoe plants and their hosts which are mutually detrimental.

4) Antibiosis interaction is a form of relationship between two different living things, one of which inhibits the growth of the other. Like the interaction between marigold flowers and nematodes and fungi. Marigold flowers of the tagetes type have roots that are capable of releasing toxic chemicals. This toxic chemical is called terthienyl, which is very impactful for several species of nematodes and fungi.

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