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20 Example sentences using the word plane and their definitions


What does the word plane mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of plane /plān/ is a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points would wholly lie, a level of existence, thought, or development.

In the verb form, the definition of the plane /plān/ is (of a bird or an airborne object) soar without moving the wings; glide.

20 Example sentences using the word plane and their definitions

The following are 20 example sentences using the word plane. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below :

  1. In the past, Indonesia was able to make its planes.
  2. Indonesian-made plane have been ordered by various countries.
  3. Indonesia’s success in making plane has made European countries look up to the quality of the Indonesian people.
  4. Now, Indonesia is collaborating on plane manufacturing with South Korea.
  5. A jet plane passed over the sky of Kediri city.
  6. Are you on a plane?
  7. Airline ticket prices before Eid are very expensive.
  8. I chose not to buy a plane ticket and saved the money for future needs.
  9. Etihad planes will take you from Jakarta to Saudi Arabia.
  10. Qatar Airway plane is a type of plane that is famous for its good facilities and service.
  11. My friend works as a flight attendant on a Lion Air plane.
  12. You must turn off your cell phone when you are on an airplane.
  13. An airplane crashed in Indonesia after only 6 minutes of flying from Jakarta.
  14. On average, all victims who fall from airplanes die.
  15. The Malaysian plane that lost contact has been found.
  16. I saw an airplane at Juanda Airport in Surabaya about to fly to its destination.
  17. If you want to take a plane, prepare your condition and health.
  18. During Covid, you are required to do a web and PCR test when you want to travel by plane.
  19. Let’s ask for a toy airplane at the toy shop.
  20. His airplane toy is still durable and can be used.

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