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Here’s how to relieve coughs easily and quickly using Vitasma Honey


 Purbalingga, Indonesia – Coughing is often a symptom that interferes with comfort and activities, especially during the rainy season like now. During the rainy season, air humidity increases, allowing viruses and bacteria that cause coughs to breed easily.

However, with the right steps you can relieve your cough easily and quickly. There are many ways to relieve coughs, from natural ones to medication. These methods are considered to quickly relieve coughs as well as the accompanying symptoms, such as pain and itchy throat.

Here's how to relieve coughs easily and quickly using Vitasma Honey

5+ Ways to Relieve Coughs Using Vitasma Honey

Easy and Quick Way to Relieve an Annoying Cough Using Vitasma Honey

You often experience an annoying cough that hinders your activities, let’s find out tips for relieving coughs using Vitasma Honey that you can try, here are the tips:

1. Drink a lot of fluids

The first way is to drink a lot of fluids which can help relieve coughs quickly. You can consume mineral water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water with honey. Avoid caffeine and alcohol which can make you dehydrated. Apart from that, you can hydrate your body by consuming chicken soup and other warm fluids, such as warm apple juice or tea to soothe your throat and reduce the thickness of mucus.

2. Get enough rest

Adequate and quality rest is very important in the healing process. Make sure you get enough rest, especially at night so that your body has enough energy to fight infection. Avoid strenuous activities and allow the body to recover fully.

3. Gargle with salt water

Gargling salt water is often recommended as a natural way to quickly relieve a cough. Although it doesn’t directly treat the cause of the cough, gargling salt water can provide several benefits that help reduce cough symptoms, especially if the cough is caused by throat irritation or a cold.

4. Adjust the temperature and humidity in the bedroom

The next way to relieve coughs is to regulate the temperature and humidity of the air. Use a humidifier to add humidity to the air because dry air can make the throat inflamed.

However, it is important to keep the humidifier clean and replace it regularly to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.

5. Sucking on sugarless candy

Sucking on candy containing menthol or eucalyptus can help relieve irritation in the throat, provide a fresh sensation, and reduce the urge to cough.

This candy can stimulate saliva production so that the throat becomes more moist and hydrated. Apart from that, some cough suppressants also contain natural expectorant ingredients that can help thin mucus and help remove it from the respiratory tract.

6. Drink Vitasma Honey

Vitasma is an herbal cough medicine made from honey formulations and selected herbal plants including honey, cinnamon, black cumin, chicken claw leaves, mint leaves, ginger rhizome, lime, and sage leaves which are considered effective for relieving coughs and solving respiratory problems with fast and safe.

The composition of honey as the main ingredient in Vitasma has been proven for generations to be effective in treating various diseases, including upper respiratory tract infections, such as coughs and sore throats.

Honey is considered to have natural sedative properties which can help relieve inflammation and irritation in the throat which is the main cause of coughing.

Not only that, honey also has antimicrobial properties which can help fight infections in the respiratory tract, including coughs caused by viral or bacterial infections.

Other compositions of Vitasma such as cinnamon, black cumin, chicken claw leaves, and other compositions have also been studied and proven to contain flavonoids as active antioxidants which are effective in reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract, including coughs and ARI.

How to use Vitasma as a cough medicine is also very easy, just consume 2 teaspoons every morning or evening before bed.

Vitasma can be used on children aged 2 years, adults, and the elderly without side effects. The benefits of Vitasma have been felt by Hildegunda, a housewife who said Vitasma relieved coughs in 3 days.

Easy and Quick Way to Relieve Annoying Coughs Using Vitasma Honey

“Sorry for the late reply, thank you, thanks to Vitasma, I no longer cough after taking Vitasma for 3 days. My husband also coughed. He tried other medicines but it didn’t work, and after I gave him Vitasma, his cough subsided so he could sleep and carry out activities safely,” said Hildegunda one of Vitasma’s customers.

Apart from Hildegunda, Riya Vita, a mother who complained of coughing and asthma in her child, said that Vitasma was effective in reducing symptoms.

Here's how to relieve coughs easily and quickly using Vitasma Honey

“Thank God, after my child drank Vitasma, the coughing started to decrease, all the mucus came out, and usually when he coughs it’s like immediately relapsed, but it didn’t recur again,” said Riya Vitas when asked about the progress of her condition after taking Vitasma.

There are various ways to relieve coughs safely and easily. Come on, consume Vitasma so that the cough subsides quickly so that you can breathe freely again. The effectiveness of Vitasma for relieving coughs has been proven by 9 out of 10 people in Indonesia!

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