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Brick Foundations for Village Houses, Are They Strong and Durable?


 First of all, I apologize if this article was written by someone who does not have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, so it is considered academically unfit to convey views regarding building foundations. However, we provide our views on buildings that use brick foundations, this building is the house that we live in in Kediri, East Java.

In ancient times, before people knew iron as building reinforcement, people used wood or bricks as foundations. You can see several houses in Java using wooden foundations and wooden pillars, such as joglo houses.

Some use stone as the foundation and pillars as seen in temples left over from the royal era, as well as our house, we use brick as the foundation and pillars of the house, our house uses wuwungan (2 right triangles on the roof of the house) with high walls the maximum is around 6 meters and the height of the side poles is 4.5 meters.

This house has been lived in for more than 35 years and thank God there are no cracks in the walls. You can see a house with a brick foundation in the video below:

The location of the building and the place where the ground becomes the footing are the main factors why a house with a brick foundation can last for decades. In Kediri, East Java, natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have occurred. Although the intensity of the earthquake was not too high.

So a house with a brick foundation is still safe to survive, provided that our house is not a 2-story house even though the walls of our house are quite high. This article was written to give you another perspective when you want to build a house. However, it is also better for you to make a chicken claw foundation with iron and cast it using the best cement, as taught in modern house-building techniques. If you have questions, please write them in the comments column below.

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