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Hasto’s Criticism of Prabowo Regarding Spending State Budget.


The first debate of the Indonesian presidential candidates which was broadcast live on television yesterday has become a topic of discussion for the public, from ordinary people to high-ranking officials, as was also conveyed by the Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Mr. Hasto. He criticized the APBN spending by the Indonesian Minister of Defense, Mr. Prabowo Subianto, he said the following:

“Amid the increasingly high cost of living, we were very sad when we heard information from Mrs. Sri Mulyani that the increase in prices of people’s basic needs was responded to by Mr. Prabowo as defense minister by increasing foreign loans to reach 386 trillion rupiahs to buy defense equipment.”

The secretary of the Gama national winning team (Ganjar Mahfud) considers that the Indonesian state is currently not fighting against an armed enemy, but rather is fighting against poverty, ignorance, and injustice.

Hasto's Criticism of Prabowo Regarding Spending State Budget.

“What we are facing is a war on poverty, ignorance, injustice and how we improve the quality of our education for the common people,” said Hasto,

He also added that a leader must not have a track record of human rights violations which are contrary to the principles of preserving life

“A leader must not have a track record of violating human rights and human rights which are contrary to the principles of preserving life,” Hasto said.

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